I have a toshiba laptop s2800-200 (naturally the model doesn't exist on toshiba's website)
Whenever I plug in the mains adaptor the screen backlight goes off.
If it's running on battery it's fine.
Is this a software setting or a failed item of hardware?

It could be a software setting. I don't remember offhand, but there are things in Windows that can configure that. To test if it's a hardware thing, though, does it do it in the BIOS? If so, you might be looking at a motherboard replacement on that unit.

It takes about a second to go off after you turn it on, so I couldn't say whether or not it had passed bios at that stage. Probably not.
Looks like a shut up and put up job to me ;-)

It takes about a second to go off after you turn it on, so I couldn't say whether or not it had passed bios at that stage. Probably not.
Looks like a shut up and put up job to me ;-)

Hi Dave,
I had to sign up for this forum as I have experienced the same problem with my laptop. I came across the following links and they should be able to help you out:



I have not tried either but I am going to give it a go.
Good luck!!


Thanks Stretch28 - those look interesting.

Thanks Stretch28 - those look interesting.

I tried to access the inverter on my friends Tosiba 2450 and could only find 2 screws - I think that I will take it to the pro's as I cannot afford to screw it up :confused:

Good luck with yours.

Yeah - it's kind of tough to take a working machine and say "well it might not work when I've finished with it..."

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