What kind of places or situations to you find the people to be best friends with? Is there a good reason why one place works better than others? A small poll of suggestion is attached.

I should have added Sports, the Internet and Travel to the poll.

Best friends are only found on Daniiiiweb! .. ;)

and work too .. :$

If you want friends that match your narrow mind, I would find them at my church!

You left off another choice:


You left off another choice:


That is a good one! I hope the poll options can be changed.

For me it's been school, but I've spent a lot more time there than any of the others... :P

i'd say school... 'cuz it's where you have more time to truly know each other...

Of course the school , because that is the palce where u spend quiet a long n know each of your friends better.

that's where you get to know a person from deep inside... since you interact the whole time...

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I can't find anywhere..but i found good human beings here in Daniweb.

School, been there most of my life so far, so yeah school for me.
Also 'other' should really have been added as a catagory.

It is the school since that is the place where students stay for long time.A good understanding is brought among them.school is the place where we get true friends.It is upto us to develop the friendship.

Church, for me. And school.

If you been out of school for a while, it tends to be work or church!

If you been out of school for a while, it tends to be work or church!

Or the homeless shelter...

>>If you been out of school for a while, it tends to be work or church!

still... the best friends ever are found @ school... you'll never get a relationship with someone at work such as the one you had with your school best friend...

I just came across this thread and thought I'd comment. I have had a really hard time making friends since moving to California. I work from home so I don't have coworkers, and my husband and I don't have children yet, so I'm not meeting other parents. Being super sick the past year really hasn't helped matters either.

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