Does anybody watch Ranma 1/2? i just started watching it after some 10 or 15 episodes and i still dont get it. Why does pouring hot water turns him to girl. And his dad.. He turns to a panda.. lol..

That's a pretty sudden switch. Aren't both Onegai Teacher and Onegai Twins romantic comedies?

Heh... i agree with you here, totally a reverse turn. But what can I say ? I am a hopelessly romantic guy , plus the little bit ecchi there didn't hurt either :P

What all day watching those Axn animes , those comedies were a wonderful change.
I am thinking of watching the Getbackers next, i missed it when they aired it here. :(
I also watched 2 ep of xxxHolic , and perhaps later will continue with it.

>Does anybody watch Ranma 1/2?
Yes, though I haven't finished it. I have to take it in small chunks because I end up wanting to smack Akane after yet another dozen episodes where she's too stupid to see what's really happening and gets violent. :icon_rolleyes:

>here's the list I keep track of things on.
I was never a fan of anidb.

>I am a hopelessly romantic guy , plus the little bit ecchi there didn't hurt either
Hmm, I think you might like Amaenaideyo!! then. The best romantic comedies tend to be manga rather than anime, like Kare Kano, Hana Kimi, and W Juliet.

>I am thinking of watching the Getbackers next
I never really got into that one. But like other series I never really got into, I have it for when I have some spare time. It might grow on me. ;)

>I am thinking of watching the Getbackers next
I never really got into that one. But like other series I never really got into, I have it for when I have some spare time. It might grow on me. ;)

For me, GetBackers started out pretty funny but wore out after a little while. Kinda picked up at the end though... YMMV

GetBackers is one of my favorites, kind of has a dark and funny feeling to it.

> I also watched 2 ep of xxxHolic
Don't bother with that one, all you would be left with after watching 10 eps is 'hopelessness'. One of those guys can see ghosts while the other can ward them off. Thats it. Better watch GhostBusters -- it is much more fun.

GetBackers is one of my favorites, kind of has a dark and funny feeling to it.

> I also watched 2 ep of xxxHolic
Don't bother with that one, all you would be left with after watching 10 eps is 'hopelessness'. One of those guys can see ghosts while the other can ward them off. Thats it. Better watch GhostBusters -- it is much more fun.

haha.. Ghost buster's were good but they stopped showing them in animax. And from the looks of SOS i can see he's a great fan of ban mido from the getbackers. I like getbackers. And especially the thunder emperor. ;)

Hmm, I think you might like Amaenaideyo!! then. The best romantic comedies tend to be manga rather than anime, like Kare Kano, Hana Kimi, and W Juliet.

Noted !! ;)
They r next in line.. ;)
I also Forgot.. dammit how cud I ?:$
I luved the few episodes I watched of Inu yasha!!

Damn! I hv to get hold of that one, how the heck cud I have forgotten abt it ? :$

>I luved the few episodes I watched of Inu yasha!!
And it's downhill from there. ;)

xxxholic's funny though.. =o=

Anime Sucks!!!!!

In my opinion because I never gave it an honest try because I think it's just stupid cartoons Anime Sucks!!!!!


I just started watching D Gray Man.. onto episode 7 now...
Its a cool one, liking it.. anybody here njoid it ?

naruto fan here!

I watch the live RAW or Subbed whichever I can get a hold of.

I dont watch the old, delayed ones showing at cartoonnetwork.

Yeah,anime is cool. I always did love DBZ,Dragonball,Thundercats,SpeedRacer,Inuyasha.Nowadays I watch BOBOBOBOBOBOBO, and Prince of tennis. One of my friends was talking about some anime that is called Helsing or something.About vampires and Alucard. It pisses me off because he "sings" the theme song to it, and he hasn't even played Legacy Of Kain or Castlevania. He says he Alucard and everything.Hes so damn EMO!!!!!!

Thundercats technically isn't anime.

>One of my friends was talking about some anime that is called Helsing or something.
Hellsing was almost decent. I liked the premise, but it was too short and I couldn't get over the awful design of Seras. The character is interesting, but the big boobs miniskirt style killed my interest in her.

>It pisses me off because he "sings" the theme song to it, and he hasn't
>even played Legacy Of Kain or Castlevania.
I wasn't aware that playing those two games was a prerequisite for liking vampires... :icon_rolleyes:

The manga which should have, but never got converted to anime is ``Zombie Powder". Don't think anyone would have heard that name, but the manga is pretty interesting.

I just meant taht is where Alucard was introduced, and he was talking about Dracula spelled backwards is Alucard.I didn't say that he was a poser or anything, I'm just saying that it would be better to play those games than to just go and act like you know everything there is to know about vampires.If you knew him, you would see what I was talking about.

>I just meant taht is where Alucard was introduced
You'd be wrong then. Alucard was first used as the name of a vampire in a 1940s film. Several decades before Castlevania was released.

>I'm just saying that it would be better to play those games than to just
>go and act like you know everything there is to know about vampires.
And from the other perspective, if you have played those games then you shouldn't go and act like you know everything there is to know about vampires. There's more to the mythos of vampires than the tidbits you can find in a video game. ;)

They're actually pretty interesting, if you ever feel the urge to study vampire folklore around the world.

Man,Narue.You are acting like I am a stuckup guy.I know that there were other films before Castlevania, such as Nosferatu and Dracula. I just know Alucard from those games, all right.Sorry if I came off like a jerk Narue.My sincere apologies.

>One of my friends was talking about some anime that is called Helsing or something.
Hellsing was almost decent. I liked the premise, but it was too short and I couldn't get over the awful design of Seras. The character is interesting, but the big boobs miniskirt style killed my interest in her.

Just wondering, have you read the manga or watched any of the OVAs yet?

No,I don't even know where to find anything related to Helsing.

Sorry,Narue.I thought that was addressed to me.My bad.

>Man,Narue.You are acting like I am a stuckup guy.
I call it like I see it, and snobbish comments behind your friend's back does seem rather stuck up if you ask me. I can see where you're coming from, but it helps to look at things from the other perspective too.

>Just wondering, have you read the manga or watched any of the OVAs yet?
I've flipped through the manga while looking for more interesting ones. I'm almost tempted each time to pick up the first three and give it a go...almost. I was very close last time, but I saw the latest Death Note and forgot all about Hellsing. ;) I haven't seen the OVAs.

Well,I do see what you are saying, and I will try to cut back on what I say about my friends from now on.

Whatever. This place would be a snorefest if all everyone did was exchange warm and fuzzies. A little conflict adds spice to the forum.

I have watched hellsing, must say it was short,
I also heard that a season 2 may be coming up.
Anyways, I njoyed watching Bloodlust - Vampire Hunter D.
Another thing, discussion related to hentai allowed here ? :D

>Another thing, discussion related to hentai allowed here ?
I'd say no, as many people could be offended by it, and it doesn't exactly fit into the daytime television guideline. But if you know of any good ones, feel free to PM me with the titles... ;)

exactly and hellsing is great along with fma(Full Metal Alchemist for those who arent anime junkies)its great they kill and eat and no i havent read the manga for either

Heh. Good thread. As you might have noticed from my sig and avatar my favorite anime is Ghost in the Shell. After that its Full metal alchemist followed by inuyasha and Eureka 7.

I like Yu Yu hakusho.. its kinda like DBZ.. but some episodes are damn funny.. Any yu yu hakusho fans here?

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