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29 Posted Topics
Re: Bleach Naruto FMA Samurai Champloo Samurai 7 Onegai Teacher Onegai Twins Hellsing Samurai X :D I love Anime ! | |
Re: My all time favourite wouldd be the LOTR Series. The scene where Aragorn gets down on his knees and tells Frodo, "You My Friend, Shall Bow to no Men" was wonderfull.... I love Axn/Adventure/Sci-Fi/Romantic movies.... :PU missed the Romantic part in the Poll :P ....lol Recently I watched really a … | |
Hi Folks, The page on which my userscript will run has a namespace, the namespace defines a constructor function. I would like to create an object using the same constructor and use methods of the object in my userscript. So far I have been unsuccessful. Here's what I am trying … | |
Re: Yes javascript can accomplish this quite well. | |
Re: Agree with you 100% there Ron. Good Post, I liked. | |
Re: No. I stay quite a far far distance from it :D :D Do you love to see the Sun Rise early in the morning ? [ I do!!!!!!!!! ] ... | |
Re: Its an interesting feature, hopefully it grows, but it looks to be dead as of now :( . | |
Hi there folks, I have Visual C# Project- Windows Application , It has a Webbrowser Control , and I intend to load a local HTML file with images into it. I want to embed the embed the html file and image files as resources. So I did. While using the … | |
Re: Hi there, I am also new to this kind of programming. Meaning trying to built a C# winforms application which will allow me to login to a site and fetch relevant data or post some queries/datas. I Came to this section to post my question but found your answer. I … | |
Hi, I am working on building a C# Winforms application which will allow me to login to a forum or site and perform certain tasks. I am stuck at the very 1st step. I cannot login to the forum. Here is what I have tried so far, the [B]Login[/B] button … | |
Re: Good thing you proposed a challenging project. You will learn much more this way and your knowledge base will increase considerably. Don't be bothered about "biting off more than you can chew" ... u will choke, and then you will swallow , with pain, and you will be the wiser … | |
Re: Ok lets do a dry run to see where you went wrong in the program. Say num = 5 while num >= 1 ( 5 >=1 , hence true ) num = num * num , num becmes 25. num = num -1 , num becomes 24 again while num … | |
Hi all!! I am planning on developing a Image Hosting service for fun!! I have prelimenary knowledge of ASP.NET and am sure to learn loads of new stuffs in this process!! Could you guide me on to how to go about doing this ? Thanks and Regards!! | |
Hello there, I am currently trying to solve Towers of Hanoi for N pegs using C++. I am implementing the towers in the form of a link list. Suppose there be three towers , TowerA,TowerB,TowerC Then for TowerA: 3 2 1 TowerB: - TowerC:- shall become TowerA: TowerB: 3 2 … | |
Re: Hello, first a tip. TO check whether a number 'n' is prime or not, it is just enuff to check whether n is divisible by any integer from 2 to n/2 . no need to loop till n-1. As you will observe, for say a number 24, obviously no number … | |
Re: ^^ correct he is , just try to convert the above algorithm into a c++ code and see. Post your code if it fails, and we will further look into it! | |
I am absolutely new to C# , reading the Book , Beginning Visual C# 2005 ,byKarli Watsonet al. , Wrox Press . Using Visual Studio 2005 . Okay , I was practicing some of the concepts from Functions chapter and i faced a wierd error. This the code which is … | |
[B]char *(*c[10])(int **p); [/B]Ok, what does the above mean ? I compiled it fine. But I can't figure what it means :( Also, how to make sense of any such questions ? I know pointers, and have a concept of it. But this one really baffled me ! Can anyone … | |
Re: Welcome to DaniWeb Maraze. Yes, you will find many smart people here and not only you will learn from them, you will be able to give them back a lot too. With all your experience, you may well turn out to be a valuable asset of this community. Have a … | |
I have no idea about web design. lol. What kind of / Which Programming language can aid me sieve data of a webpage ? I mean, suppose there is a WebPage X , if I want to select certain lines of it containing certain terms... how do I go about … | |
Re: Yes, that is indeed the case. For cin , white space is a terminator, and the rest of the name stays in the input stream. the next cin statement reads from the remaining input buffer. cin.get , will help u read the name inclusive of white spaces. for char name[20]; … | |
Hi Everyone, Good day to you all. I am solving a problem : to Generate a Random Network. I hv divided the problem into two parts. First generate a Graph, then from the graph from a network. Here the code generates a random graph. User Gives n ->no. of nodes … | |
Re: First of All, a Warm Welcome to you!! :D PCI --> Peripheral Connect Interface , its a slot in your motherboard of ur PC where various addon cards go in. Like the Sound Cards, LAN cards, etc etc. And no its not a virus. Its a message telling you a … | |
Re: Welcome to Daniweb. "There is always a First Time" :D Well everyone starts sometime or the other as an illiterate in their respective fields. But with perseverance they become the master . So what you are new to the Computer Science field ? Its you who said that you have … | |
Hi Everybody here, I am a Final year student of Computer Science and Engineering. Bumped onto your site while finding a simple solution. I was googling for a comprehensive guide to generating Random numbers when i saw the link to your forum. [url]http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/thread1769.html[/url] Thanks To [B]BOB[/B] i felt that I … | |
Re: Circumference of a Triangle ? WTF !!! Now ... why your program didnot Run. [code]using namespace std;[/code] should be Global in scope . Meaning outside block of any function. If you do not define the namespace globally, u will have to use std::cin , std::cout inside every function. [code] area … | |
I recently started dabbling with Visual C++ Express Edition 2005. Was stuck at the very onset! LOL! How to Create a console application using Visual C++ Express 2005 ?? I could create the project, included the files..did all.. build it nice and clean.. but how to run [ make ] … | |
Re: Thanks WaltP ... system("PAUSE") <--- was a gr8 tip. | |
Re: [QUOTE=nkhosinathie;365389]I Want To Use A For Loop To Enter Three Answers From Three Questions But My Problem Is I Don't Have An Idea Coz I'm New To This C++ Language Please Help? THE LOOP STARTS TO COUNT FROM 100[/QUOTE] A Basic For Loop would be like : [CODE] for(i=0;i<n;i++) { … |