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Well as they say "Smart but Lazy"
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- Computers, hacking n parties!! 8-)
- PC Specs
- Intel[R] Pentium[R] D CPU 2.80GHz 2.80GHz, 512 RAM
282 Posted Topics
Re: [quote=katharnakh;335994]cats - milk[/quote] milk--> Tom and Jerry | |
Re: [quote=The Dude;335469]Properly use it[/quote] it is been used properly :cheesy: | |
Re: 278:yawn: man wat a borin game this is.. but an easy way to increase you post count i guess. | |
Rename any folder with extension {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} e.g., if we have a folder games press F2, then type, "games.{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}" see the magic.... then to get to original form, remove the extension using "ren games.{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} games" in dos or as a bat file and you are done.. But the folder can be … | |
Re: My personal fav our DBZ Yu Yu hakusho Inu Yasha Naruto Full Metal alchemist.. | |
Re: i bought an Nokia N80 and guess what. There was a software installed in my mobile which can make MP3 Ringtones. All you have to do is load the songs into your mobile via bluetooth or datacable. And you can make ringtones in your mobile. Love Nokia mobile for thier … | |
Re: Try [URL="http://www.java2s.com/Code/VB/Database-ADO.net/CatalogDatabase-ADO.net.htm"]this[/URL] "Mod Alert" - Move the thread to VB.NET Forum. | |
Re: Nightmare on elm street | |
Re: [I]A hero is no braver than and ordinary man, but he is braver five minutes longer.[/I] - Ralph Waldo Emerson | |
Re: [QUOTE=Sin Savada;408017]what is control that i should use to save image into my database[/QUOTE] I have attached a small demo project for reading and writing a image in a database. It was developed in VS 2003. Have a look at it and modify it according to your own needs. | |
Re: [quote=jimlaver;335919]give your soul[/quote] and lie dead | |
Re: [QUOTE=yaya_star;369625]Hi all, i am using microsft speech sdk5.1 in my project in vb,net can any one tell me if i can talk and it will write what i am talking? is that possible? thanks[/QUOTE] Well ive done a project where i have implemented microsoft speech SDK 5.1. The thing is … | |
Re: Check this [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread84216.html"]thread[/URL] Next time try searching the forum's before posting your queries. :) | |
Re: [quote=christina>you;335889]Broken [B]Heart[/B] - Dashboard Confessional[/quote] Boulevard of [B]Broken [/B]dreams - Green Day :cool: | |
Re: well how about these.. :cool: [B]Cigarette[/B]: A Pinch Of Tobacco Rolled In Paper With Fire At One End & A Fool At The Other. [B]Love Affairs[/B]: Something Like Cricket Where One-Day Internationals Are More Popular Than A Five Day Test. [B]Marriage[/B]: It's An Agreement In Which A Man Loses His … | |
Re: [quote=jimlaver;335917]dark mind. Instead[/quote] remove the thought | |
Re: [QUOTE=Oblivi8or;397446]Could someone please help me? :icon_eek:[/QUOTE] Try [URL="http://www.java2s.com/Code/VB/Database-ADO.net/UpdateAccessdatatablethroughOleDbConnection.htm"]this[/URL] | |
Re: [quote=~s.o.s~;332319]You get Mrs RwCC. I put in a twisted transistor.[/quote] you get KORN(band) playin at your door step i put in christina>you :lol: | |
Re: Why don't you guys try installing the driver for that MP3 Player. They should have provided the driver CD along with the whole package. | |
Re: See [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread23574.html"]this[/URL] | |
Re: well i tried n it didn work.. wher shud i write tht code line?? | |
Re: Well if you do come up with a solution other than using opacity do let me know. | |
Re: Try searching titles from [URL="http://www.codeproject.com"]here[/URL] and [URL="http://www.planetsourcecode.com"]here[/URL] | |
Re: Your question is quite confusing. You want to drag and drop the listbox items from one of the web page to another web page? | |
Re: [quote=praveendesilva;326016]sir in my application i need to close the login form and open the main form the problem i am facing is that i can open the main form but cant close the login form at the same time can you help me in this ......thank you[/quote] why dont you … |
The End.