I was annoyed by the lack of Yoko Kurama coverage during the tournament, so I found other shows and never really went back. Maybe someday when I've run out of anime that I'm really into. ;)

I like Yu Yu hakusho.. its kinda like DBZ.. but some episodes are damn funny.. Any yu yu hakusho fans here?

Woah i almost forgot about yu yu hakusho. That show was pretty damn good. For the first season at least, cuz i never saw the second season. Also I like Samuri champloo as well.

yup i love anime :)
i like those .hack// series... and then it's card captor sakura, inu yasha...
anime is really cool...

commented: Welcome to daniweb :) +3

This thread saddens me. You guys (with the possible exception of ~s.o.s~), need to taste some real anime and stop talking about some of the crap that's been dubbed. Here's a list of good ones you can get dubbed (watch them in Japanese with subtitles):

Neon Genesis Evangelion
Dragon Drive
Peacemaker Kurogane
Outlaw Star
Tsukikage Ran
The World of Narue
Sailor Moon (there are five seasons, and the latter ones are better)
Full Metal Panic!
Full Metal Alchemist
Star Ocean EX
.Hack //SIGN
Prince of Tennis
His and Her Circumstances (don't waste your time, get the manga--Kare Kano--instead. You will anyway)

Those are just the ones that I can see from my desk. I don't feel like pulling everything out and listing all of the ones I like. ;) Here's a random selection of good anime you can't get in stores. They come fansubbed from places like www.animesuki.com:

Lucky Star
Lovely Complex
Hayate no gotoku
Darker than Black
Mahou shojotai
Mamoru kun ni megami no shukufu wo
Strawberry Panic
Tenshi na konamaiki
Utawarerumono (not available anymore, it's being dubbed in the US)
Suzumiya Haruhi no yuutsu (being/been dubbed, I'm not sure if it's out yet)
Asatte no houkou
History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi
Maria-sama ga miteru
Otome wa boku ni koishiteru
Kage kara mamoru
Hana yori dango (I think this has been dubbed as Boys over Flowers)
Mai Otome
Midori no hibi
Ouran High School Host Club
Higurashi no naku koro ni
Bakumatsu kikansetsu irohanihoheto

Now stop being losers and watch some real anime! ;)

This thread saddens me. You guys (with the possible exception of ~s.o.s~), need to taste some real anime and stop talking about some of the crap that's been dubbed.

Only ~s.o.s~? :'( But yes, this thread is really funny when everyone comes up naming stuff from Cartoon Network or their local equivalent. :P

Only ~s.o.s~? :'( But yes, this thread is really funny when everyone comes up naming stuff from Cartoon Network or their local equivalent. :P

Pssh...Says you guys. I've seen real anime and it wasn't as entertaining as Adult swim animes.

>I've seen real anime and it wasn't as entertaining as Adult swim animes.
Naruto, DBZ, and Inuyasha (as examples) weren't on Adult Swim. They're on Toonami, which tends to focus on kids anime that also often happens to be sub-par. Oh, and just because some people like cheap wine doesn't make it good. The same goes for bad anime. :)

Toonami edits the shows pretty heavily too, I believe. Adult Swim has had a couple good series on, but dubs tend to suck as a general rule. And the selection is still quite limited.

>I've seen real anime and it wasn't as entertaining as Adult swim animes.
Naruto, DBZ, and Inuyasha (as examples) weren't on Adult Swim. They're on Toonami, which tends to focus on kids anime that also often happens to be sub-par. Oh, and just because some people like cheap wine doesn't make it good. The same goes for bad anime. :)

Inuyasha was on adult swim, adn DBZ was still a good show no matter what age group it was aimed at.

And the dubs on Adult swim don't suck i'm pretty sure FMA dubs won some kind of award and the GITS SAC dubs were amazing as well.

i think i caa name the worst anime. South park which is anime it just is really reallly reallly bad

FYI, SouthPark is not an anime.

I can't believe that you thought that South Park was anime.It isn't even remotely relevant.But, what can I say, I thought that Thundercats was anime.But,seriously though burningman,I think you should watch some extremely awesome anime, and stop thinking that south park is in the same realm as anime.

it is the form which is animated charsacters brought ot life it just sucks the way it was put forth other animes have run that same course

I have the entire Astro Boy set.

FYI, South Park is kick ass.

FYI, South Park is trashy drivel. It also (as mentioned) doesn't fit this thread.

ill stop arguing now and fyi south park is trashy

What? How is South Park trashy.. It's hilarious, and it ALWAYS has some kind of moral conclusion in the end! lol.. The writers are genius (unlike the family guy writers throwing random stuff about), and they incorporate current events into almost every episode.

How can you people have different opinions on TV shows than me? My gosh, you must all be retarded.

not a big anime kind of guy... but i do love Vampire Hunter D: Blood Lust

excellent movie.

How can you people have different opinions on TV shows than me? My gosh, you must all be retarded.

I know, right!:) lol.. damn Rashakil always has to post sarcastically..

commented: Hahaha +15

do the street fighter movies count as anime?they were good.

>do the street fighter movies count as anime?
If you have to ask, the answer is probably no.

oh yeah,well then is naruto anime?Probably not. He says Believe it every 5 seconds,I don't watch it, and probably never will, unless I can get my hands on the authentic anime in Japanese.

Shin chan is cool too.

Naruto is a really good anime. As for Shin Chan, I find it to be _childish_.

I hate anime

oh yeah,well then is naruto anime?Probably not. He says Believe it every 5 seconds,I don't watch it, and probably never will, unless I can get my hands on the authentic anime in Japanese.

You just contradicted yourself. It is an anime, but it's been butchered by American censorship. Not that it was all that impressive beforehand, but I can only imagine how bad it's gotten - I only watched it in Japanese, I'm scared of how bad it must be on American TV.

I hate anime

Thanks for sharing. :icon_rolleyes:

>oh yeah,well then is naruto anime?
Yes, though there's a raging debate about whether it's good anime or not.

>He says Believe it every 5 seconds
Yea, that's because of the English dub trying to make up random gibberish to account for the random gibberish that Naruto says in Japanese. In the Japanese version, it's "dattebayo" instead of "Believe it!". It's actually a meaningless phrase ending to make his speaking style more mischievous sounding, which makes "Believe it!" seem even more ridiculous. Kind of like how some anime characters use "nyan!" or "pyon!" to sound cuter, but good dubs don't try to translate them. :icon_rolleyes:

That's the single biggest reason I refuse to watch Naruto in English.

>I only watched it in Japanese, I'm scared of how bad it must be on American TV.
It's tolerable, but not for the whole run of the series. I'd probably be able to take it for about 50 episodes.

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