I remember reading that an Indian gave such people 5 Lack rupees ( approx 12500 USD). The scammers were eventually caught but the guy's money was never recovered.

lol yeah i agree with you and reading those Nigerian scam mails are quite entertaining sometimes.

Sadly many ppl fall for them though :(

I think the risk is worth it on the off chance that it's legit.

On the other hand I once got some spam which filtered through. It was the typical kind of thing that you might expect, but what really tickled me was the fact that they had a few paragraphs from the Hobbit. It's obvious why they did it, but still amusing.

I think the risk is worth it on the off chance that it's legit.

ok in that case you just won the uk multi-national eskimo midget albino award.

And also the UK lottery :) (Even though you dont remember playing :D)

Where exactly do you have to put your email address to get spam ?
I have signed up for a dozen of newsletters but I never get any offer from the African banks :icon_cheesygrin:

Sadly many ppl fall for them though :(

Their greed screws them.

Where exactly do you have to put your email address to get spam ?
I have signed up for a dozen of newsletters but I never get any offer from the African banks

from having it in my sig and using newsgroups/mailing lists

i get ~400 a day spam

I just got one the other night that was only one sentence long! Maybe their copy-paste fingers are getting tired.

is this is the daniewb's offician spam thread ?

we will loose a great amound of server bandwidth or server space for a unnecessary thread.

As I knew earliear as a member , two internet communites dead and archieved due to starting a official leagal spaming thread.

rules are there .
+ troll's are welcome .
+ Advertising are welcome
+ dirty words are welcome
+ cross posting is welcome

In other words the contridiction of our current rules , but wonder here , the things are getting upside down ! here just only 5 pages of spam yet.

is this is the daniewb's offician spam thread ?

No, so the rest of your message and the one after that are irrelevant. If you had actually read the thread, you would know this.

And if NicAx64 had read some of those spam - his English skills might have improved, somewhat.


i kinda wish some of those scams were real,
id be so rich it wouldnt be funny annymore ...... my junk mail box fills up with them constantly

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