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Member Avatar for The Dude

24 possible I lied on a few or wasn't completely honest. I also have an inflated ego so I take alot of pride in creeping up close to physchoticism. Although I don't wanna get caught either so I may attempt to change my story or manipulate anyone sexually or otherwise …

Member Avatar for maydhyam
Member Avatar for chiste91

You need to do it like tonyjv is suggesting. The movements shouldn't need individual loops for each object only one main loop is needed. In english it should look kinda like this. main loop for game starts ex. while true check for events here send important events to objects like …

Member Avatar for shafaqsajjad
Member Avatar for PHIPH

IMHO both take a similar personality to preform the tasks that the jobs would consist of. Database -------- Troubleshooting and lots of patience Extreme attention to detail Will work with some hardware but probably mostly dealing with software You will probably not be rewarded for things working only called out …

Member Avatar for Tj sehgal
Member Avatar for predator78

I'm hoping this will stir the pot a bit lol. But in all seriousness if you could get rid of the "need for greed" and "status", and yet not cross to many boundries. Don't you think that this could provide a more reasonable standard of living for everybody? My main …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for s.w.a

I think you are a bit confused. First of all you say you need network security, what exactly for? If you just need security for your personal pc then use your firewalls or run virtual pc when you are surfing the internet. UDP packets are hardly unreliable they are very …

Member Avatar for st88
Member Avatar for Portgas D. Ace

Why is the ghost from deathly hallow constantly trying to butt in line. He's just trying to get ahead.

Member Avatar for vinnitro
Member Avatar for predator78

Hello all.... Sorry if this is extremely simple and stupid but I was taking a look at the Forgers32 manuals just to have a poke at the win32 api. I was able to get his first example working to pop up a basic window but for some reason the title …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for floatingshed

Not sure how you have this implimented but if the user doesn't chose a directory couldn't you just have the program simply clear the the box and send a messsage to the user stating that the directory they chose does not exist? That way if they chose nothing or an …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for M4rc0

[QUOTE=jlego;1526189]actually, if he gets to the 'starting windows screen' after the installation, it should boot into safe mode[/QUOTE] That's probably the best peice of advice thus far in this thread, to take it just a step further it pretty much throws out the possibility the dvd isn't beind read unless …

Member Avatar for metrion001
Member Avatar for predator78

Hello first off I appologize if this is posted in the wrong forum and I'm sure if it is a moderator will kindly move it to the correct location. I did try to find a suitable place and this seemed the most logical choice to me, I did also try …

Member Avatar for ret801
Member Avatar for khess

[QUOTE=gregzeng;1155444]I need to locate software[/QUOTE] No offence but that sums up what most *nix fans seem to say quite often.

Member Avatar for flagstar
Member Avatar for lrh9

What module is generating the error? Once you know that then you know to change that module to not be recursive if it is exceeding the limit.

Member Avatar for lrh9
Member Avatar for omgpancakes

I would seriously advise against this having done the same thing myself. Not saying it's impossible but possibly impractical. The only way I would do computer repairs is to sell computers I personally hand built set them up on a network and handle all the backups and just reimage the …

Member Avatar for DaniWeb4Jim
Member Avatar for Nikhar
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Not sure where all the hostility in this thread is coming from. There "are" many very obvious benefits which a few of the main ones have already been pointed out. The best and most obvious would be the fact that a gaming system could be converted into a quite powerful …

Member Avatar for skatamatic
Member Avatar for pennywars

I tried pinging the router and got responce timed out. This message holds the key to your problem, the ping was sent to the router the router we can assume most likely recieved it unless there is something wrong with the hardware, but it never sent the message back. Either …

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for cfwebdeveloper

A short simple answer defined here as well as some other good little tid bits, but if this is for homework I suggest you really get out and do some research. Your teacher probably isn't going to be impressed with a one sentence answer to this. Anyway by gaining the …

Member Avatar for cfwebdeveloper
Member Avatar for qavo

Well first thing that comes to mind that you didn't state. Are you running a web-server on the machine that the traffic is being forwarded to? If not it could be getting requests but doesn't have anything to send back. Also remember when your in your testing phase you may …

Member Avatar for predator78
Member Avatar for s.w.a

I haven't really studied these until today, but from the information I have gathered today they are in fact quite similar. Also it seems that the techniques would in fact work well together in my opionion. Major diffrence? syn-cookie: Uses a timestamp and uses that to create a queue associated …

Member Avatar for predator78
Member Avatar for skipdn

Sounds like a possible bottleneck somewhere but the architecture of the network would have to be known to examine if this could be the cause or not. Could also check the routers to be sure the proper protocols and schemes are being used for efficiently. And yeah sure you can …

Member Avatar for skipdn
Member Avatar for Mr. K

If you don't have an error I would definatly be suspicious of the time variables. Have you proven them to be providing the correct data? Also I have heard even in c++ global variables are not highly looked upon and you can clearly pass elasped to moveball() so you probably …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for Siberian

[QUOTE=VernonDozier;1569112]>> felony charges for even minor infractions By definition this is unfair. Felonies are by definition "serious" or "grave" crimes. [/QUOTE] "United States copyright law governs the legally enforceable rights of creative and artistic works under the laws of the United States." By definition under copyright laws this is a …

Member Avatar for predator78
Member Avatar for frogboy77

1. fun(0) zero is passed in 2. that means n <= b would be true 3. if that is true then fun(50+fun(50+fun(50+fun(50+0)))) 4. like math parethesis first? fun(50) can disregaurd add zero 5. that's once through keep going or let the comp do work :).

Member Avatar for frogboy77
Member Avatar for bond1897

Get a windows cd and uninstall and reinstall all the networking components including tcp/ip.

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for ben1996123

Not sure with the compile error what is wrong, maybe you were trying to build it with the program still running. As far as what your code you are very close. I won't give you the answer since you want to figure it out on your own but here is …

Member Avatar for predator78
Member Avatar for networkZombie
Member Avatar for enakta13

Depends on if you want to build a calculator to do this or simply use c++ as the calculator and produce an answer for you. A calculator is a great project for learning. I'm currently working on a small text based (for now anyway) card game and have learned much …

Member Avatar for enakta13
Member Avatar for Prabakar

Would somethin like this work for you better then you wouldn't need wires or any of that hassle? [URL=""]USB ADAPTER[/URL] If that way just won't work for you this one was suggested in an similar request. It supports 3 USB 2.0 devices and seems to support your bit torrents and …

Member Avatar for predator78
Member Avatar for sittas87

I have heard great things about this one but never used it. Might be worth checking out. [URL=""]Ethereal[/URL]

Member Avatar for predator78
Member Avatar for BullHorn

Don't worry about the usless files just get rid of them. Click the windows icon in the lower left corner of the screen, goto control panel, goto system and security. Under administrative tools it will say free up disk space. Run that and click anything taking up space as you …

Member Avatar for Shade01

The End.