Recently upgraded from Windows XP Business Edition to Windows 7. Unfortunately, some of my old programs don't run on Windows 7. If I install Windows XP on my new computer, is it going to totally mess things up ????

Isn't it amazing companies always claim new and improved but then expect consumers to spend, spend, spend and fill the landfill with old programs that can't work with new programs !!!!!!! We seem to have become a world full of selfish people that has no respect for people, things or this planet. Sorry, don't mean to get on a soap box but as a small business owner I am tired of having to spend money on software that is not compatible with new software. I did not receive a bail out, my bank cancelled my line of credit and I, of course, never got a call from Warren Buffet telling me he is going to invest in my company !!!!! LOL


windows 7 pro also has xp mode.

depending on your new computer - you can install XP, it just may be a bigger process with drivers. Refer to the driver support of your computer model to see if there are in fact drivers for XP. if there isn't, it may still be possible using the internal hardwares vendors driver, but it is a deep process and you and the machine may become more involved than you would like to admit

do you mind if i ask what programs you are having problems running in windows 7?

commented: :) +1

Yep you are right, it looks like Windows 7 Professional, Ultimate, and Enterprise have XP mode. I thought I read it was only for Ultimate, thanks for the correction jlego.

yeah don't take it the wrong way i wasn't trying to be disrespectful or anything, just adding that pro does it too.

Hey jlego,

Not at all, I didn't read it that way. I appreciate the correction, it would be nice if I was right 100% of the time :)

Hey DuroF1,

I completely understand your frustrations been there myself. If you happened to have upgraded to Windows 7 Ultimate you can use XP mode, below is a link with a walk through.

Thanks for your reply.

I purchased a new HP Pavilion Elite that came with Windows 7 already installed.

I checked the link you sent and it says XP can be installed in Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise or Elite. My new computer, unfortunately, is Windows 7 Home Premium.

I still have my lap top with XP so I guess I will need to use that for my old files !!

Thanks for trying any way.


windows 7 pro also has xp mode.

depending on your new computer - you can install XP, it just may be a bigger process with drivers. Refer to the driver support of your computer model to see if there are in fact drivers for XP. if there isn't, it may still be possible using the internal hardwares vendors driver, but it is a deep process and you and the machine may become more involved than you would like to admit

do you mind if i ask what programs you are having problems running in windows 7?

I have iphotoplus that I use for editing images of my products before loading them to my site. This also helps when I have to email customers their invoice with copy of cc attached. I use this to erase the cc # for security reasons.

I have FinePix digital camera and when I tried to installed it, I got an error message saying ... can only be used with XP. I may have to check out their site to see if and how it can be used with Windows 7.

Modern technology is good when it works but stinks when it doesn't and I just hate having to spend money every month something new comes out !!!


check on finepix product site for updated drivers for windows 7

i am not sure about iphotoplus however, with home premium you wont be able to use XP mode.


If the benefits out weighs cost you could always by one of the licenses above and upgrade your system again. You would be looking at about 150, food for thought.

i agree with zelkea, that is what i end up doing - if the software isn't worth the cost, perhaps check around for different software that does similar

base on your response below. what files or program you are trying to use on windows 7. i have found that if you right clcik the installation file and choose compatability mode it works most of the time. let us know what programs you are reffering to. if its just files like DOC, Xls and so on you can open them in the newer version of office. you will loose minor stuss like formatting and fonts but not data. then just reformat and save the file in the new office format.

Thanks for your reply.

I purchased a new HP Pavilion Elite that came with Windows 7 already installed.

I checked the link you sent and it says XP can be installed in Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise or Elite. My new computer, unfortunately, is Windows 7 Home Premium.

I still have my lap top with XP so I guess I will need to use that for my old files !!

Thanks for trying any way.


Thanks for all your help. Running 2 online stores and 2 ebay stores takes up all of my time so it is usually late at night when I can spend time trying to see which programs work with the new computer. I have now other problems so I have made a note on my calender to spend a couple of hrs this weekend with HP on the phone and see if they can help resolve them.


If XP mode doesn't work you might try the full product, Virtual PC, from Microsoft. I haven't used it personally (I prefer VMWare). I believe it differs from XP mode in that XP mode lets you run the app from the Windows 7 desktop (hides the XP innards) whereas with Virtual PC you actually build a separate virtual computer and you must launch the virtual environment and run the app from inside that environment.

Rev. Jim: Thanks for the link. I will check it it out this weekend when I have some uninterrupted time.

This HP computer is getting to be worthless each day and I am sorry I spent the money to purchase it. I have HP C-7250 All-In-One printer but the scan does not work with this computer. I upgraded the Driver but it still won't scan so I have to use my laptop for scanning. Then for the last 3 days, when I am typing the keyboard starts to freeze up every 10 - 15 mins for few seconds interrupting my work because I can't do anything. I get an error message ... display driver not working but problem has been resolved.

My old Dell worked without any problems for several years and I wish I had stayed with Dell. Anyone planning to purchase HP Pavilion Elite need to spend their money on another brand.

One tired and disgusted HP Owner !!!!!


I have a Dell Inspiron 1720, my older son has an earlier model and my younger son has two Dells. Obviously we are pleased with the manufacturer.

Rev. Jim: If I were you, I would stay with Dell !!!!!

At times I want to slap myself for switching to HP. LOL


In my opinion, Windows 7 is the most in-demand OS today. It has many but cool features such as simplification of everyday tasks, personalized themes and many more. However win7 consumes more RAM than XP, I think it works that way.

Yes, it looks like Windows7 Professional Edition, Ultimate Edition and Enterprise Edition with XP mode. I checked the link you sent and it says XP Professional Edition can be installed on Windows7, Enterprise Edition or elite. My new computer, unfortunately, Windows 7 Home Premium.I may want to check their website to see whether and how to use it with Windows7.

i think the cost to upgrade to pro is only like 79.99 from home (please dont quote me however, i could be wrong it has been awhile since i purchased one.) at the most i think 120? would it be in your budget to upgrade to pro from home?

In my opinion, Windows 7 is the most in-demand OS today. It has many but cool features such as simplification of everyday tasks, personalized themes and many more. However win7 consumes more RAM than XP, I think it works that way.

While Windows 7 is most in demand, if the computer freezes every 10 - 15 minutes, then it is absolutely worthless. And like you said it also does consume more RAM than XP.


i think the cost to upgrade to pro is only like 79.99 from home (please dont quote me however, i could be wrong it has been awhile since i purchased one.) at the most i think 120? would it be in your budget to upgrade to pro from home?

Thanks for the suggestion - I hadn't thought about it. Last weekend tried calling HP but the wait was over 45 mins long. Will have to try again this weekend and I will ask them what it will cost to upgrade to the pro edition.


On a computer installs two systems to be able to have the confusion, therefore I suggested that you delete the system, only installs one you want

On a computer installs two systems to be able to have the confusion, therefore I suggested that you delete the system, only installs one you want

they want 2 os ,no confusion,on boot up simply choose the one you want to boot at that time .

I think windows xp is better than windows 7 because w7 is slowe than w xp

i have to disagree with you ,i went from winxp to win7 an there nothing wrong with it speed.i have it on multiple machines,that were built for xp ,and it works just as goo and fast as xp did on these computers

Hi, To avoid this type of problem you can install both the OS's in different partitions. And can easily run applications depending upon their OS compatibility.


yes you can use both windows 7 & xp OS on single PC.


yes you can use both windows 7 & xp OS on single PC.

thanks for your input iam sure that hasn't been said in this thread yet ,good on ya

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