I've Google and saw people who have a similar problem (Whining about a 54-seconds-wake-up-time etc) but my problem is somewhat different.

When I first got my new PC and installed a fresh Win7 on it, I immediately disabled all sleep, hibernation and hybrid-hibernation settings and only allowed the screen to turn itself off after 15 minutes of idle state. Waking the screen up took between 3 to 5 minutes.

As time went on, owning this PC for approximately 4 months the screen waking time is now between 10 to 15 minutes! Truly, this is outrageous. I have do get updates before work with my phone instead of the PC because I can't wait for so long for it to wake up. :|

Any ideas? Suggestions? Could it be a hardware problem? I still have warranty over that..

You say you installed Windows 7 on it, what did it have on it before?

Have you checked that all of your drivers are working and up to date in device manager?

Where did you get drivers for it from? Purely via windows update? Or from elsewhere?

In particular, you want to have a thorough check of the drivers for the chipset and for advanced power management.

As far as I know, it had Windows 7 installed for one day for the stress-tests during it's assembly at the computer store. All of the drivers have been installed from the CD that came with the motherboard and later updated via the Windows Update thingamabob.

From my last post.

Have you checked that all of your drivers are working and up to date in device manager?

Yes, they are. I gotta get back to work, I'll check the thread in a couple of hours for new ideas.


Check your event viewer. You might also have a lot of useless files on your computer and your computer might take a long time to look through them before you can use your computer. Try deleting the useless files and do a scan

I don't know what the event viewer is. Also, please define 'useless files' and the way they affect the OS because this just makes no sense. :|

Useless files refer to the files that use up a lot of space. Like unwanted folders like take up a few GB of space.

See this link for event viewer

I updated all the drivers from the Gigabyte website, didn't help.

I still have no idea what useless files are and why would I have any such files. :|

Don't worry about the usless files just get rid of them. Click the windows icon in the lower left corner of the screen, goto control panel, goto system and security. Under administrative tools it will say free up disk space. Run that and click anything taking up space as you don't need these for proper operation. Also if you don't have a schudule set to defragment your hardrive that option is next to free up disk space, you can run this as well to enhance preformance.

I don't understand the connection between harddisk performance and the fact my screen won't turn on.

I'll do that when I get home from work but I highly doubt it's going to help.

Halp. :<

Your laptop will have a lot of cache, cookies or other stuffs. Try going online and download a free cleaning up software that helps you clean your laptop and unwanted files will be delted. Unwanted or useless files refer to those files that are taking extra space on your laptop. They use a lot of memory space and your laptop will operate very slow. Follow predator advise and go and clean your hard disk to see whether there is any extra space

It's a PC, not a laptop. Either way, other than the problem with the screen, the performance on my PC is flawless - I've yet to have it crash or hang during the 4 months that I own it. I used the Windows Disk Cleanup wizard, that did not change anything.

Something is wrong. You have already clean your hard disk with a software and do a virus scan but the problem still persists. Other softwares might be causing it. Have you downloaded any apps recently that might take up a lot of CPU usage thus your whole PC is very slow and sluggish. Well, time to call it a day. I will reply to you tomorrow. So just hang in there for the time being.

This problem persists since the day I installed Windows 7 when I bought the PC, the software changes nothing. My CPU usage is usually 0-5% and it feels very quick and not-sluggish.

Indeed, something is wrong here. I think I'll go now. :/

Crash and freeze could be a hardware issue could be the graphics card or ram. If you have more than one stick of ram take one out and try with one, then the other and see if problem persists. If that doesn't work you may try your graphics card in a pc known to be working and see if that's where the problem lies.

Did you even read my reply? What the heck happened to this place. :|

Yes I did misread I though you said it was crashing. Anyway if you have searched google you should see that many of the issues have been hardware related to the graphics card. I would recommend that you first try to set the software to not allow the computer to shut down the moniter. If all seems well then enable the option to turn off monitor and make sure that the hardware is set to wake it up!! If that doesn't work and you happen to have an extra graphics card laying around you could pop it in and be sure to update the drivers and see if that works. Beyond that turn the option to put the monitor to sleep off and use a decent screensaver.

Check your event viewer. You might also have a lot of useless files on your computer and your computer might take a long time to look through them before you can use your computer. Try deleting the useless files and do a scan

As Rik and myself have stated before go event viewer and check. Follow the link Rik posted.

From reading all of your replies., i think that u have a virus in ur PC. so go for a better antivirus and scan your entire computer once..
If the problem still persists, then it is the time for you to re-install the windows

Reformat is usally the last option if taking the laptop to an expert does not cure teh problem, backup and reformat. Doing a virus scan has been repeated in this thread before.

Try changing the monitor, you say the PC runs well otherwise so it a communication problem between the card and monitor. Failing that, are you using a graphics card? If so, try using the on-board graphics.

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