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283 Posted Topics
Re: "I studied every thing but never topped.... But today the toppers of the best universities are my employees" — Bill Gates | |
Re: @ghada ali Why did you hi-jacked 1 year old thread. Start a new thread and ask question if you have any.. You will find "Start a new Thread" link on the top of the webpage | |
Re: You must have proper network connection (workgroup) among the computers in your network. So check out whether the LAN connection is proper or not and workgroup is created or not. Then you could send messages and all... | |
Re: I too belong to same category . If you are interested only in web based projects then here are some lists.. [url]http://intlegentpeopleathota.blogspot.com/2010/07/java-mini-project-titles.html[/url] [QUOTE]Few we thought already are, Making of a search engine from scratch, Making a web crawler etc.. [/QUOTE] If you are interested in making of search engine from … | |
Re: Here's an excellent software for recovering deleted files Its of less size around 3MB and just install it and try it.. It has good success rate of recovering lost data.. [url]http://www.pandorarecovery.com/download/[/url] | |
I would like to play a video using c/c++ program.. what libraries should i include?? can anyone tell the code.... | |
Re: haha..if you continue such sort of fake things , I am sure that you will be banned here also. Dont do such illegal things. If you post content which is really worth and meaningful , then people will "like" it automaticaly.. | |
Re: Strange post.. Eventhough your intention of post might be good but it's not wise to ask passwords.. there may be a chance of someone guessing and misusing them......No offense... | |
Re: [B]If a person is not happy , then it doesn't mean that he don't know happyness . It is because life had tought him some lessons which made him like that.[/B] | |
Re: Clearly , you are trying to assign the Multipart object to String referrence and that is why you are getting that ClassCastException | |
Re: That was my original name and i created the account in 2007 .....:) | |
Its quite boring here and requires some hot programming stuff discussions LIVE. Eventhough there's a PM option , why cant there be an option to live chat with somebody else in this website and share our thoughts and ideas and lot more. Its time for creating chat rooms.. | |
Re: I sit infront of my computer and browse until my eyes get burnt.. | |
Re: @Taywin.. you are right.. It may be keylogger..but leave that aside... I have the same question from long time.. How can we make a java program listen to our keystrokes without any window. As all of us know we can add keylistener to frame or any window. But is it … | |
Hey.. I have a programming question which is basically a generalized question(what i mean is a question which is not related to a particular programming language). So the question is actually about programming. So even though i am a java nerd , i want to post it in all programming … | |
Hi folks.. Here comes the same old question ..."How to get the source code for an exe file??" Firstly , i am bored of asking this question as i dont think it is possible.. But what made me to re-ask this question is the excitement of some file that i … | |
Re: C# is more easy when compared to java. Just drag-and-drop. But i guess you dont need to look for a book which inter-relates both the languages. Just directly start learning c# books and I am sure you will understand it. | |
Re: Isn't that you who posted on this [Link](http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/java/threads/441040/help-with-jar-file) | |
Came through this question in some interview... A car travelled 28km from A to B in 30 minutes. If the distance between A and B is 36km,Then what is the speed of the car in kmph? Anyone with Answer && explanation .. | |
Re: simple..Define a constructor/function that accepts filename as parameter in simple1 class and now create the object of simple1 class by passing the filename as parameter. | |
Re: Waiting for the java version of the API...When can i expect a java version? | |
Re: No one can help except the moderators and admin...haha..Hope they will see this post soon :) | |
Re: Did you tried resetting the boot settings to default settings?. | |
Hi.. I want to read data from the microsoft access file(.mdb) using my servlet application . I need to read the data in .mdb file and format it to display on the web using my servlet application (or JSP)..How can i read data from .mdb file? I have never worked … | |
Re: Yes..what you said is true and depends on the person and requirement to decide which one he/she should use. Absolutely it doesn't make difference whether you use constructor or setter methods. If you have a constructor that accepts arguements, then you can happily initialize in the constructor itself. Otherwise you … | |
Programming is in my blood. .. Programming is my religion.. Programming is my passion......Programming is my A-Z Add your's feeling too...... Happy programming :) | |
Re: Dont know in VB but in java you can .. However I found similar question asked previousle here in Daniweb... Check [this](http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/visual-basic-4-5-6/threads/326422/picture-on-a-msgbox) | |
Hi all , Here comes the same general question. I want to store the text ( you can call 'paragraphs' ) . What is the best way to do that? Files? OR database is OK? Thanks in advance :) | |
Re: i will stick to java... |
The End.