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159 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for Nithin_1

I suspect you might be right that it can be done in a single statement, but for myself, I seldom get too fancy if there is a conceptually simpler 'brute force' way to do it, so I always first do a SELECT count(*) type statement to see if the return …

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for Curious Gorge

The other posters hit on all this,but I'd like to emphasize you need decent libraries to build business or technical applications reasonably easy in C++. This was a problem I faced early on in my C++ work (like 15 years ago), and my solution was to completely ditch the C++ …

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for gretty

I did to your code as William suggested and changed your SendMessage(GET_TEXT) to GetWindowText() calls. Much easier. Also, I removed your two global variables. The szClassName only needs to be defined in the proc where the WndClass is registered. Also, there are a half dozen ways to get hInstance anywhere …

Member Avatar for malcolmsand
Member Avatar for ASHKAN_2

I'll help, but you've got to learn how to use code tags first. Not too many folks want to look at unformatted code.

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for vivekarora

Spent a lot of time working with that some time ago. Here's a daniweb link... [url][/url] Also, here's a link to some of my tutorials using C, C++ and PowerBASIC where I pretty much take COM memory apart and look close at VTables, VTable pointers, function pointers, calling class member …

Member Avatar for AliceJohn123
Member Avatar for Frederick2

How can I cause the Paint event to fire from a Form_Click() event? This is what I'm trying to do... [CODE] Public Class StrTests01 Private Sub StrTests01_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Click Dim ps As Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics() 'RaiseEvent StrTests01_Paint(sender, ps) End Sub Private Sub StrTests01_Paint(ByVal …

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for esesili
Member Avatar for mrgadgets

Search for Code::Blocks. Also, Microsoft's Visual C++ Compiler comes in a free 'Express' edition. [QUOTE] Also I heard windows 8 will allow us to code in javascript and HTML5 so this is another small question, what is actually the use of c++ if thing can be done using javascript and …

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for ben1996123

[CODE=C++] case WM_CREATE: CreateWindow( TEXT("button"), TEXT("Click"), WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD | WS_BORDER, 10, 30, 55, 20, hwnd, (HMENU) 1, NULL, NULL ); break; case WM_COMMAND: if(LOWORD(wParam) == 1) { TCHAR szBuffer[16]; money--; //this has already been declared at 50. _stprintf(szBuffer,_T("%d"),money); MessageBox(hwnd, szBuffer, _T("New money value"), MB_OK); //also tried money.toString() but that …

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for altXerror

Here is a tutorial that might help... The first problem I saw in your code is that you foreward declare WinProc, but you named your actual Window Procedure 'WindowProc', and so when you used the term ... wc.lpfnWndProc = WindowProc; was unrecognized by the compiler (it wasn't foreward …

Member Avatar for altXerror
Member Avatar for Frederick2

I'm passing a this pointer in my constructor initialization list for use by a base class and VC9 gives me this warning about it... main.cpp(124) : warning C4355: 'this' : used in base member initializer list The program runs perfectly as compiled by VC9 Pro or Code::Blocks 10.05. In Code::Blocks …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for Muel12

Hello Muel12! I'm with Greywolf in that this is one big project you've chosen. My guess is you are looking at several years work. I'm in a technical speciality field myself, that is, forestry. I write biometric applications. I use both C++ and PowerBASIC. I'd have to say that I …

Member Avatar for Muel12
Member Avatar for dospy

Your basic console mode "Hello, World!" program comes in around 6 K using stdio.h and printf and anywhere between 250 K - 500 K using iostream and std::cout. For these reasons I never use iostream. I do console output with printf. Anyway, iostream isn't particularly useful in GUI. Wide character …

Member Avatar for dospy
Member Avatar for Frederick2

This is my first post! I can’t figure out how to modify/cast the return address obtained from the Windows Api function GetProcAddress() without using a typedef. I’m aware that using a typedef is the standard way to do this, but one should be able to do it without a typedef, …

Member Avatar for bitluni
Member Avatar for becool007

I commend you for your interest in Win32 becool. Its how I like to code. You really do have to pay close attention to project setup issues using Visual Studio simply because its so complex and sophisticated. I prsonally prefer using simpler lighter weight tools, but that is simply a …

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for amitmardana

Here is a link to a tutorial I wrote on using ODBC to connect to SQL Server Express, Microsoft Access, And Microsoft Excel.... [url][/url]

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for jaimee
Member Avatar for rayden150

Good one Narue! Except I'd say SetConsoleCursorPosition() is cutting edge avant guard bleeding edge state of the art console mode coding for Windows!

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for WaltP

I'm someone who uses old software all the time, and it continually amazes me the way most folks rail at old software. I fully realize I'm in the minority in terms of personally having no problems whatsoever with old software, and I've just had to face that, mostly keep my …

Member Avatar for pseudorandom21
Member Avatar for Voidz

That's not terribly hard. All you need to do is create a BRUSH of the color you want and select it into the device context in your WM_PAINT handler. I don't think I have a C/C++ example handy, but here is a PowerBASIC example of a WM_PAINT handler where I …

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for daino

What you are asking is somewhat advanced. Data entry in the form of something like a spreadsheet is accomplished through 'grids', which are usually Windows custom controls, although if you are working with .NET there are ones available. Of course, we're talking GUIs here - not console programs. So I'm …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for Nawar

Like tonyjv intimated, I don't think its terribly useful to invest time in DOS coding at this point. Having said that however, its possible to create quite a lot of GUI like 'controls' in DOS using the extended asci characters. A lot of us old time DOS coders did that …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for ben25x

I don't even know how anyone could ask such a question. The answer is of course not. Visual Basic 4-6 made heavy use of COM and COM components. These components are usable from C++, but the components are binary objects - not code.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Frederick2

Could someone familiar with command line compiling using GNU C/C++ Compiler Collection please help me with a Dll creation problem I have? What I would like to know is how to create a Windows Dll out of the following very simple test file that is essentially just a "Hello, World!" …

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for Frederick2

I'm doing command line compiling, and thought there might be some switch that would list starting and finishing time, but couldn't find anything. I'm using Windows, and trying to work with the default gcc/g++ from mingw installed with Code::Blocks. Or is there some way of doing this with some shell …

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for lochnessmonster

[QUOTE] The first is people who basically use C++ for the object-oriented features of it (grouping data and code, encapsulation, dynamic polymorphism, etc.) but basically stick to C when it comes to the implementation. This includes using (almost) only C constructs (like null-terminated strings and arrays) and mostly C functions …

Member Avatar for pritpal.singh88
Member Avatar for lashatt2

In your CreateWindow() calls for the edit controls, you are not passing the correct HINSTANCE of the app.

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for Frederick2

What is the difference between size_t and size_type? size_type seems to be related closely with the C++ Standard String Class. Couldn't they have just used size_t instead? I don't understand the difference. Could anyone elaborate please?

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for Frederick2

I'm a coder that doesn't know much about hardware, but I have a question that's been bugging me for a long, long time. If I took a pretty new and fast machine (and I'm mostly interested in laptops) such as a recent XP or Win 7 and tried to put …

Member Avatar for jak0b
Member Avatar for Frederick2

Here is the full code relating to my performance problem I’m having with my operator+= which I described in this adjacent thread…. [url][/url] As a quick review, I’m finding that the operator+= function in the Standard C++ Library’s String Class, i.e., <string>, is performing almost impossibly fast compared to the …

Member Avatar for Frederick2

The End.