If anyone could help this humble learner I would deeply appreciate it, Im trying to put this whole function, the couts in the middle but gotoxy() on a console application doesnt seem to work, im on windows vista and using codeblocks the latest version, Maybe I have a library wrong or something.
Here is a fraction of my program, that I need to center I dont want everything to be on the right on the command prompt, Please help!, and thanks:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
void sub_menu1();
void sub_sub_menu();
void sub_menu2();
int menu_principal (){
system ("color 0E");
int resp;
cout<<"\n\nElija una funcion"<<endl;
cout<<"1. Nuevo Prestamo"<<endl;
cout<<"2. Devolucion"<<endl;
cout<<"3. Registrar Usuario"<<endl;
cout<<"4. Salir" << endl;
cout<<"Digite un numero correpsondiente a la funcion"<<endl;
gotoxy(12,8); //<---- HERE, why cant I work?
case 1:
For now I just move that last cout to test it but nothing