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Hi all, for some time now I have been trying to practice developing python games and I've had a really annoying problem. I want to use image files but most of the time the picture itself is not a regular rectangle but an oval etc. and the thing that I can't figure out is how to remove the boundary rectangle around the image. I am not using pygame... Is there anything I can do to achieve that ?

I have attached the file I need to convert and the problem is the white rectangle around it. Sry if this sounds weird :)

Any help is greatly appreciated :)

I think you need to develop mask of your image to make this work.

Either you can learn to photoshop it out, or you can see if your game engine supports transparency of white backgrounds(like pygames does).

Member Avatar for masterofpuppets

thanks guys I will probably have a go with photoshop. It should have such an option I think :)

Use the magic wand tool to select all the white you want out, GIMP is a good choice

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