Hi everyone
First post but I have been browsing as a guest for help with my university python project for a while now. There some really great help on here, Thank you!
Right I'm doing a beginners python programming unit as part of my uni course, and as part of that unit I have to do a project. This project being to create a pyramid consisting of 2 different "Patches" if you like, if you take a look below you can see on of the "patches" is finished (nestedCircles()), but as for the other "patch" (Diamonds()) I just cant work out how to do it, this is an example of the patch I have to do:-[IMG]http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/3275/diamondss.jpg[/IMG]
from graphics import *
def nestedCircles():
win = GraphWin("Circles", 100,100)
yValue = 51
centre = Point(51.47,yValue)
radius = 50
circle1 = Circle(centre, radius)
for i in range(10):
radius = radius - 5
yValue = yValue + 5
centre = Point(50,yValue)
circle1 = Circle(centre, radius)
def diamonds():
win = GraphWin("Lines", 100,100)
yValue = 20
line1 = Line(Point(200,200), Point(900,900))
for i in range(9):
line1 = Line(Point(90,10), Point(5,3))
Any help with this would be soo gratefully received, don't forget I have only been doing python for 2 months now! :)