That Dream Formerly Known as the Linux Desktop

khess 1 Tallied Votes 575 Views Share

I will never again refer to the Linux Desktop in any of my writings beyond this post. From now on, it's the Linux User Interface, which encompasses the likes of GNOME, KDE, LXDE, XFCE, CLI and others. These Linux User Interfaces may be used on any Linux-enabled device. These interfaces are not limited to a single type of machine designated as a 'desktop' and I'll not diminish the importance of them by mentioning them in that realm again. Since the dream of a world blessed with desktop computers running Linux is a dream (and a far-fetched one at that), I'll leave its reference to the lesser of my literary colleagues to ponder.

Instead, the Linux User Interface (LUI - pronounced Louie), is now a catch-all for any of the aforementioned window managers. And LUI might refer to a desktop computer, a server computer, a wristwatch, a PDA or a netbook running Linux with a particular window manager running on it. The LUI is how you interact with the operating system and not a particular class of computer.

Gone are the days of the hopeful Linux Desktop. Gone are the days of the tumultuous desktop wars. Gone are the dreams of one day waking up and finding that the US Government has converted to Linux desktops. And gone are the days of my attempts at convincing the world that anything but Windows or the Mac OS will ever serve as a desktop user interface for the masses.

As cryptic and elusive as the lyrics of the Kingsmen's song Louie, Louie; The Linux LUI is a mystery unto itself. I can't unravel it and I'm going to stop trying.

ov3rcl0ck 25 Junior Poster

Like I said in former comments on your articles. If we keep making Linux more and more user friendly its not going to suit the needs of the original tech saavy users. And this has already started to take effect, I mean look at Gnome, its tries to integrate as many command line features as it can which makes it less flexible, and never encourages a user to learn shell commands, and if you never learn shell commands then why do you us linux?

Kaminofushicho 0 Newbie Poster

Some people use Linux because they want to get away from the domination and control of Microsoft. These aren't sysadmins, they're regular users or companies filled with average joes who have gotten fed up with being toyed with, force fed crap (vista), and controlled. They want somewhere to go other than Apple. They want something that let's their systems remain their systems, and companies don't want to have to train everyone to be a sysadmin (why does a secretary need to know bash commands to sort email, schedule appointments, or install a simple application?) Manufactures (HP, etc) want something that let's them out from under Microsoft's thumb, but that is accessible to their wide range of users (I'm not letting my mom open a terminal, and it's stupid to require it of a seven year old.) Many of these manufactures pay for Linux development, most Linux users don't. (They just use the work of others, and whine that regular joes are using their operating system. It's open source; fork the kernel, build and maintain your own distro, and play with the CLI to your heart's content.) Why shouldn't the people footing the bill get what they want? Why don't people deserve freedom from monopolistic control that doesn't require the computer equivalent to living in the wilderness?

khakilang -3 Posting Pro in Training

Many converted to Linux is because of it security against virus and spyware. No point paying for something and get whip by virus. Linux desktop is not bad. Easy to get around and not much learning curve involve. It cover most of the user's need like word, spreadsheet, internet, mail, IM and among others.

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