from telnet application i want to run windows program. for example when i type vi, i want to run notepad.exe with the output of vi.
how can i do that ?

I don't understand what you're asking, could you elaborate?

Ok what i want to do is, you know i use telnet to connect to unix server. then i type some commands to get something done. what i want is when i want to display text, i want that text to open in ms word or some other text editor. basically i want to display the contents of a unix text file in my visual text editor software in windows.

Main Entry: 1elab·o·rate
Pronunciation: \i-ˈla-b(ə-)rət\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin elaboratus, from past participle of elaborare to work out, acquire by labor, from e- + laborare to work — more at laboratory
Date: 1592
1 : planned or carried out with great care <took elaborate precautions>
2 : marked by complexity, fullness of detail, or ornateness <elaborate prose>
— elab·o·rate·ly adverb
— elab·o·rate·ness noun

Main Entry: 1elab·o·rate
Pronunciation: \i-ˈla-b(ə-)rət\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin elaboratus, from past participle of elaborare to work out, acquire by labor, from e- + laborare to work — more at laboratory
Date: 1592
1 : planned or carried out with great care <took elaborate precautions>
2 : marked by complexity, fullness of detail, or ornateness <elaborate prose>
— elab·o·rate·ly adverb
— elab·o·rate·ness noun

Heh... your elaborated alright.

As far as using telnet to do that I would say its not a common task and it could be done but you would have write a custom telnet application to bring the file back for editing.

Long answer -- I'm sure you could find a way to do it.
Short answer -- No its not possible.

You could use remoting if you have an X server on the remote machine. Install nano on the UNIX server. It is a very painless text editor like notepad. I have never bothered to use or learn VI to this day. Between sed, awk, grep, cat, etc I can modify a text file without using that damn editor!

it seems that i need to research :(

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