Okay, so here's the deal. I used to be able to use the application / tool "play" in a console to play mp3 and wav files, but now, I get errors:

alex@alex-laptop:~/Desktop$ play Tilt.mp3
play soxio: Failed reading `Tilt.mp3': unknown file type `auto'
alex@alex-laptop:~/Desktop$ play Tilt.wav
play soxio: Failed reading `Tilt.wav': unknown file type `auto'

Can someone shine some light on my problem?

Okay, so here's the deal. I used to be able to use the application / tool "play" in a console to play mp3 and wav files, but now, I get errors:

alex@alex-laptop:~/Desktop$ play Tilt.mp3
play soxio: Failed reading `Tilt.mp3': unknown file type `auto'
alex@alex-laptop:~/Desktop$ play Tilt.wav
play soxio: Failed reading `Tilt.wav': unknown file type `auto'

Can someone shine some light on my problem?

From http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=203858 this worked for me :
sudo apt-get install libsox-fmt-base libsox-fmt-ao

Now WAV files work, but for mp3 I get:

play soxio: Failed reading `Tilt.mp3': unknown file type `mp3'

EDIT: I installed libsox-fmt-* (which had mp3, ogg, flac, etc.) and now it works! Thanks!

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