Hello all, I'm new here :)

After I upload new .mo file on the server I get blank page after first few refreshes, like server cache the old file... After that everything seems to be ok.

I use slackware, lighttpd 1.5, PHP5...

I thought that only apache server does caching, and lighty should be all right due to CGI environment...

Does anybody experienced similar problem? How would I solve this?

Yes similar experience, but not with mo files. If you go for another alternative than gettext method, work will be less.
If you have already gone for gettext , Please seek help of hosting provider, to avoid this.

Thanks for your reply...

I found solution in changing domain name for gettext.
After newly created .mo file is uploaded (with another name than old one), I've changed domain name and problem gone...

It must be some cache issue...

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