I do :cheesy:. I currently own the Dreamcast, PSX, N 64, and Xbox plus tons of emulation and roms, and I play PC games as well but I need to upgrade my pc which I am doing this year. I'd like a GC and a PS 2 as well but I may wait for the PS 3 due to not having all the time in the world for games.

Other interests including browsing the internet, networking, lifting weights, mountain bike riding, and playing vid's online particularly Xbox Live.

When I was in middle-school and high school, I used to play video games about 4 hours a day. Actually, that was on weekdays I think. On weekends, my life revolved around video games. ;) The games that I would call myself a pro at (or was a pro) were Super Mario 1, 2, and 3, for NES, Super Mario Kart, Street Fighter 2, Starfox on the SNES, and Street Fighter Alpha 3 for PS1. I would have weekend tournaments at my house... oh man... so much fun!

When PS1 came out, the only reason I got it was because of Street Fighter Alpha 3. After that, I lost all interest in console gaming. I hear now you can play Street Fighter online through the XBox, which is something I've always dreamt about.

The games that I've been addicted to are as follows: Secret of Mana, Super Mario Bros. 3, Street Fighter (any version except where it's 3D fighting), and Diablo 2.

Games.. Ah yes, the mighty CD's and Cartridges. I currenty own a 8-bit Nintendo, SNES, SEGA Genesis, N64, XBOX and 2 Playstations and 2 PS2. Me and my brother have a PS and a PS2 each. Best Game: 8-bit:Super Mario3, SNES: Mortal Combat, SEAGA Genesis: Sonic 3 (Attached to Sonic and Knuckles), N64: Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Best Game ever!), PS: Final Fantasy VII, PS2: Toss up between Kingdon Hearts and the Final Fantasy X and X-2.

You said the magic words: video, and games.

I own an NES, SNES, N64, Playstation, Playstation 2, GameCube, and PC. Going to purchase a DreamCast and SEGA Genesis; and maybe an X-Box soon, though.

When I was in middle-school and high school, I used to play video games about 4 hours a day. Actually, that was on weekdays I think. On weekends, my life revolved around video games. ;) The games that I would call myself a pro at (or was a pro) were Super Mario 1, 2, and 3, for NES, Super Mario Kart, Street Fighter 2, Starfox on the SNES, and Street Fighter Alpha 3 for PS1. I would have weekend tournaments at my house... oh man... so much fun!

When PS1 came out, the only reason I got it was because of Street Fighter Alpha 3. After that, I lost all interest in console gaming. I hear now you can play Street Fighter online through the XBox, which is something I've always dreamt about.

The games that I've been addicted to are as follows: Secret of Mana, Super Mario Bros. 3, Street Fighter (any version except where it's 3D fighting), and Diablo 2.

I play around 4 hours a week, (give or take a few) now because of work and school, but I just got laid off and I don't start school until March but that aside I still only play a few hours a week.

You can play Capcom vs. SNK EO through Xbox Live against peole around the world and it supports the Xbox Communicator (head set), I use to think I was good until I started playing people in Japan, there is a leaderboard and the top couple hundred people are from Japan, those guys are good at that game.

That said, SNK vs. Capcom Chaos and a new Guitly Gear X game are coming to Xbox Live this year.

I own all those games you mentioned above on emulation, and I own Super Mario 64 on the N 64 but I'm kind of "Mario'd out" and have no intentions of buying Mario Sunshine; although, I would like a Gamecube.

Games.. Ah yes, the mighty CD's and Cartridges. I currenty own a 8-bit Nintendo, SNES, SEGA Genesis, N64, XBOX and 2 Playstations and 2 PS2. Me and my brother have a PS and a PS2 each. Best Game: 8-bit:Super Mario3, SNES: Mortal Combat, SEAGA Genesis: Sonic 3 (Attached to Sonic and Knuckles), N64: Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Best Game ever!), PS: Final Fantasy VII, PS2: Toss up between Kingdon Hearts and the Final Fantasy X and X-2.

OoT was my favorite game as well, until I played Halo :cheesy:. My favorite Genisis games are Golden Axe (all three), Zero Wing, and Ghouls and Ghosts.

My favorite Commadore 64 games are Track and Field and River Raid.

My favorite Atari 2600 games are Q Bert, Frogger, Galaxian, Pitfall, and River Rad.

My favorite arcade games are Mrs Pac Man, Tekken, and House of the Dead 2.

My favorite Dreamcast games are Soul Caliber, House of the Dead 2, Power Stone, Skies of Arcadia, Tony Hawk Pro Skater, and NFL 2K not to mention online support with the built in modem. Great system.

Favorite PS 2 games were (sold it but want another one) Dynasty Warriors 2 and ATV Offroad Fury 2, but I didn't own the system when Dark Cloud, FF X, and other greats were on the system.

My favorite GC (my friend owns this system) games would be Eternal Darkness, Metroid Prime, Zelda Wind Waker, and Resident Evil 0.

My favorite Xbox games are Halo, Panzer Dragoon Orta, the GTA Double Pack, Rainbow Six 3, Project Gotham Racing 2, ESPNNFL 2K 4, Links Golf 2004, Top Spin Tennis, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (best RPG ever), Crimson Skies (great dog fights on Live, plays similarly to Star Fox but is one of the best looking games ever made), Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, and there are others.

Favorite PSX games would be FF VII, Parasite EVe, and Rallicross.

Favorite N 64 games would consist of Golden Eye, Perfect Dark, Conkers Bad Fur Day, Mario 64, Ken Griffy Jr. Baseball, Donky Kong 64, Donkey Kong Country, Banjo Kazooie, Madden 64, Turok, and I'm sure there are others.

NES, The Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy I, II, and III, 1944, Tetris, and Super Mario Bros.

SNES, Bomberman, The Legend of Zelda A Link To The Past, Worms, Paper Boy, Mega Man, Mario Kart, and there were others such as Battle Toads.

Favorite Turbo Graphix 16 games were Splatter House, Bonks Adventure (all three), and After Burner 2.

Intellisvision was fun as well as the Coleco Vision.

There are tons of multiplatform games I like as well such as Splinter Cell, Red Faction 2, and Time Splitters 2.

Pong and Space Invaders, ah, those were the days. :D

Yes they were I'm playing games on a Commadore 64 emulator I just got running. Played a little Druids 2, and some others but I need to get some online mannuals because some of the games are a bit technichal in terms of which keys to press, especially since it's an emulator.

I play around 4 hours a week, (give or take a few) now because of work and school, but I just got laid off and I don't start school until March but that aside I still only play a few hours a week.

You can play Capcom vs. SNK EO through Xbox Live against peole around the world and it supports the Xbox Communicator (head set), I use to think I was good until I started playing people in Japan, there is a leaderboard and the top couple hundred people are from Japan, those guys are good at that game.

That said, SNK vs. Capcom Chaos and a new Guitly Gear X game are coming to Xbox Live this year.

I own all those games you mentioned above on emulation, and I own Super Mario 64 on the N 64 but I'm kind of "Mario'd out" and have no intentions of buying Mario Sunshine; although, I would like a Gamecube.

Yeah, "Capcom vs SNK" was the game I was talking about. My friend has it. And I know what you mean about Asians. I know it's a stereotype, but the best players I've played against, were Asians. Too bad, they still lost against me. ;)

Do I, play, video games, son I was born & raised on video games, you better believe it!!!

Right now we have big money bets on the platform games SOCOM seals II awsome!!!!

Old school NES playing CONTRA(original) my brothers & we would Duct tape the (NES-advantage) buttons to gain extra point & lives. http://www.planetnintendo.com/thewarpzone/advantage.html


O my NES Advantage

How beautiful your buttons are.

At my side since a young age,

You've never wandered far.

Your rapid fire never fails,

Your slow motion comes in handy.

Your form is easy on the fingernails,

Your joystick looks quite dandy.

We've collected countless hearts,

We've spent a thousand coins.

You even do your part,

When a second player joins.

We use bombs that explode

to complete our given missions,

We even helped out toads

Named after skin conditions.

From Super Joe to Mario,

From Spectacle Rock to the Land of Dreams,

There is no place you will not go,

And no place you have not seen.

Why did I give you away to the good will?

Bayou billy

contra I & II




(just to name a few.....)





\ /

EMULATOR have fun !!!!!

Well one might say it's a stereo type but if you look at the leader boards of Xbox Live you'll see that the first few hundred gamer tags are from the region of Japan.

dude, where can you get games for the EMULATOR?

Super Mario 3.. love that Game. Thanks for the Site. I can get into it from work too.

dude, where can you get games for the EMULATOR?

Depends on which emulator. When I saved files for the Atari 2600 to my folder I got almost 70 games in less than a minute. For the Commodore 64 go here.


Great Advanced Dungeons and Dragons classics such as Curse of the Azure Bonds at that link, plus many more.

i played nitto1320 for 4 years, and i currently play Runescape (www.runescape.com) i also play games on my x-box. Im a full-time gamer,lol

I am a big Nintendo fan. Always had Nintendo systems. Most recently the Gamecube. Metroid Prime is one of my favorite games of all time.

Have you seen the sketches for the new Gameboy? I mean the official ones? It looks cool.

yes i have a gameboy sp, there pretty cool, they light up aslo

*gasp* viiiideooooo

I myself have recently been playing neverwinter nights and alongside that sometimes some america's army. I just installed quake 3 the other day and now looking for some good mods.

All I have are PC games and I'm happy with them :)

Yep UT is great :D

I was raised on video games as well. I got my NES when I was a mere 3 year old. It's crazy, there is an entire generation that have been raised on video games. It's like cable guy, but with video games (and/or computers) and a generation of humanity instead of jim carey

I lived on console games and booed pc games for the longest time. I now live on p games, mostly a little game known as Counter-Strike!! If anyone every wants to play you can at the server on my signature. I'll look out for you if you let me know who you are, just aim me.

I can remember clearly walking into a pub in Perth in the early 1970s and seeing what was the weirdest looking pinball machine I'd ever seen. It was called 'Pong'.

I stuck a coin in the thing and sat down to it with a mate, and several hours later I was already 'hooked'. Through the 'consoles' and 'personal computers' that followed, I kept up an interest, and I can fondly recall hanging out for the next months issue of my favourite mag, so I could type in the code for the games that were included, and check them out on the Vic20 and later the c64 :lol:

There have been lengthy periods since when I've been involved with other pursuits, but I've always come back to them. PC games are my option of choice, and with work responsibilities I find myself watching my children and grandchildren playing them more than I get to sit down to a session myself. But not always.

I've got 'Half-Life on the go at present (I missed that one on the way past :) ) and Max Payne 2 is sitiing right there waiting for me to get to it. Maybe I'll just lock the doors for a couple of days! :D

Lol... I am a hardcore gamer. I love to play on the Xbox and the PS2.

Halo 2 is my most anticipated game of all time, hands down. GSmiles, do you have Xbox Live?

i'm just wondering where u got that picture

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