#32 is directed at GSmiles

I cant wait for halo 2. The first time i played halo i was amazed. just some old-school shootin up aliens action! :cheesy:

I Love the dreamcast and N64

Dreamcast-Marvel vs. Capcom

N64-Golden eye

hey every 1. man im da best halo playa in da world. lol jk im good though :p . halo 2 is gonna be awesome and only about a month left until it releases. i got mine preordered already :cool: . hey u guys should check out my halo 2 website.

all4halo2.tk its amazing

u guys email me if u have any suggestions please


Yes, I play video games, I currently have an XBox and 3 games (NCAA March Madness 2004, Fight Night 2004 and NBA Live 2005) and I am working to get the XBox Live Starter Kit and Broadband Router, already got the connection (DSL), anybody have the XBox Live Starter Kit, if so, is XBox Live cool?

yes, I play them but right now i am looking for a new console

get a xbox and then get halo 2

I want to get Halo 2

I play Halo 2, starCraft, wc3, battlefield 1942 with all types of mods, and all types of games I made a clan site ( http://www.kc8onw.net/~jacob/mainpage ) for me and some of my freinds for guild wars "can't wait till it comes out" but I will mostly play that game ALOT :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I was raised on NES, and it pretty much ended on the playstation for me with Tekken 3 and FF7. Hey could someone tell me which counter strike you play online, or which one is more popular. I mean I go to the store and there are like 5 different counter strikes to choose from, I want the one that everyone is playing online right now, which one is everybody playing?!

I just got me some new games for Christmas, at the same time, damned if I didnt lose some. I lost my NCAA March Madness, but I still got the Fight Night 2004, NBA Live 2005, and of course, the 2 new games, NFL Streetz 2 and Call of Duty: Finest Hour <--- (DEFINITELY A NEED TO GET GAME) Also, my oldest brother has Halo 2, never played but he says its a definite must game.

Who doesnt play them!

CnC RA2/Generals/ZH
DR2 (Old but good, needs a prequal)
Team Fortress (nt for a while though)
Unreal Tournament 2004
Doom III - rarely, dont get much FPS on my laptop!
Doom Collectors Edition, box set thing (I + II + Final + extra levs)
Dungeon Keeper I/II
Magic Carpet II
Got varios emulators all over my laptop with a few console games as well

I dont like playing games !!!

stop joking around

if u play halo 2 online. wat is your lvl. mine is 12\

o yea. i play of video games on pc and XBOX. right now im in to RPGs and runescape.

I like 'em all...but no time to play

I love the SNES...the likes of Terranigma, SMW, Tetris Attack, Super Probotector (Contra Spirits), Secret of Mana, Yoshi's Island...I could go on forever. I don't play games as often as I'd like to these days, hardly ever infact. If I do it's just multiplayer with friends; the new Timesplitters or Smash Bros. on GC, or even Perfect Dark on the N64.

My life is video games, heck i spend every free hour of my day on the NGC or my PC. My favourites are Super Mario Sunshine Super Smash Bros. Melee and the wonderfully smooth gameplay of Kirby Superstar. (Who remembers that one? Best Kirby game ever!)

So the simple awnser to your question is yes. I do play video games. Alot.

I just recently got into the games Battlefield and Age of Empires. I am also looking to get a few new XBox games and hopefully have XBOX Live connected next month :D

Haven't played in a long time but I've seen several games which look quite intriguing.

I only play games on the PC these days. At the moment I am playing GTR, Battlefield Vietnam, Sims 2, planetside.

Really looking forward to Battlefield 2 and Stalker this year. It would be interesting to poll what format you guys like the most, be it console or PC.

So,I guess that all of the old PS1 games are out of question, huh?But,I have to go with my top 10.
1:Final Fantasy 72:DBZBT:23:Dragon Quest(Warrior)84:Rogue Galaxy(BUY A COPY!!!!!!)5:Chrono Cross6:Legend Of Dragoon7:Diablo8:Resident Evil 29:WCW MAYHEM10:Hitman:Blood Money

damn smileys.........

Oh Video Games what can i say about Video Games.
The Problem is that Video Games didn't make me live My Childhood Properly like other Normal Children who spent their Childhood in Gardens .
The Result is that Friends in school called me Video Games Geek.
Oh I forget to mention My favorite Game in All Platforms is
The Metal Gear Series i Finished these series Dozen of times and in all difficulties.

But Still Metal Gear Solid 4:Guns of Patriots didn't finish it :'(

My favorite series is the HalfLife series. Right now (since I am spending most of my time on a lap-top) I am playing turn-based games, currently Jagged Alliance 2. I like it but I think I am going to get FalOut3 - then all will be lost.

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