106 Topics

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Member Avatar for anndroid

Hi I have an Acer "travelmate 270" . Bought it second hand, was working perfectly, then one day for no apparant reason, when I turned it on, I just got a blank screen. The power lead light is on, and it checks the dvd player, then the fan stops and …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for naphets

I am trying to make this table behave. I want it to stay within 80% of the page. I want each column to be a fixed width. I want it to show all without scrolling right. Its fine if it gets super long. I also want the title bar, with …

Member Avatar for naphets
Member Avatar for TheBrick

Hi, I'm just settign up boost on my desktop (ubuntu) after a reinstall and am having some problems. I set it up last w/e on my laptop (knoppix) and did exactly the same thing and it works fine. I'm sure its something increadably simple I'm missing. I'm following http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_53_0/more/getting_started/unix-variants.html I'm …

Member Avatar for TheBrick
Member Avatar for danishbacker

Hi, I am using windows XP now i want to switch to Linux. Only bcoz i thought i cud use free software as possible as i can. Currently there are only three things which im using are illegal 1. OS (Windows XP) 2. Photoshop CS2 3. Dreamweaver 8 Im working …

Member Avatar for iigwk
Member Avatar for flushing_ny

hi i have Linux knoppix 5.0 on CD, but not installed on my hdd. I'm not sure how my wireless card would work with my pc, but then again, i haven't really tried. I'm running the Linux platform from the CD itself, but I don't know if removing the Linux …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Pauldfc

Hello I got a system restore virus. Went to restart computer in safemode so i can scan but my computer does not boot and goes continiously around in circles. There is no system restore points and sytem repair doesnt work. I used knoppix and can find my files. i arranged …

Member Avatar for harryreich
Member Avatar for toiletduck

I'm having a biiig problem with Windows XP crashing at startup. It happened after my dad was working on replacing the inverter on my laptop since the screen has given me no end of troubles. The computer displays the Windows XP splash screen (the one with the little animated progress …

Member Avatar for benmar
Member Avatar for acezrwild817

I am attempting to fix a computer that was attacked by a nasty virus. I have recently zeroed the drive to wipe it clean. I am now trying a fresh reinstall of windows XP and the computer will not recognize my hard drive. It also will not recognize my second …

Member Avatar for Tauseefkhan
Member Avatar for ceycey73

Hi I am research assistant in mechanical engineering department,Istanbul University. I am 37 years old. Programming is my hobby since when I bought my first PC 15 years old. I started to learning programming with Qbasic and go on visual basic, delphi and now python. I am an amateur programmer. …

Member Avatar for Lizaswadling
Member Avatar for khess

When I started exploring Linux back in 1994-1995, there were very few resources available and many of the problems I experienced didn't have solutions. That was a long time ago. The situation has changed for the better. These days, there are plentiful resources for those new to Linux or for …

Member Avatar for dokma
Member Avatar for shamagantu

This is my first post. I apologize if it is in the wrong area. I have a Windows XP Pro laptop that I am trying to partition and install Knoppix Linux. I have installed Norton PartitionMagic and BootMagic (both vers. 8.0) to partition the C: drive. BootMagic had to be …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for flojito

Hey guys, I'm running Windows Vista Home Premium on an HP Pavillion dv6810us laptop, and I've recently begun having problems with my DVD drive. When I push the button to eject my DVD drive, nothing happens. Also, I have a DVD in there right now and it doesn't recognize it. …

Member Avatar for Elenasuperb
Member Avatar for ggeoff

My daughter's laptop starts only to the Dell opening screen. The opening screen just has Press F2 for Setup and F12 to enter the MultiBoot selection menu. If I select F2, the machine displays Entering Setup. . . and that's is as far as it gets. If I switch off …

Member Avatar for carlos23
Member Avatar for sanzilla

Write Your First Application On Win32 ===================================== What is Win32 :-) win32 is an plactform that like J2ME and J2SE means that it have it's memory model and have a architure and have those Applications programming interfaces to call to the operating system . Like the APIS in the java …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for toresimonsen

I am currently homeless in Minneapolis. I am using a Knoppix based pen system. I need excellent support for SKYPE in particular. [url]http://toresimonsen.wordpress.com/2009/12/26/linux-pen/[/url] Also, feel free to help save Dollhouse.

Member Avatar for hondros

Okay, I have installed Damn Small Linux (I believe v4.something), with syslinux. I am trying to boot it on a Dell Mini laptop. I'm not sure if it runs on any other computer. This is the issue I am having. It always boots to the DSL screen, and waits for …

Member Avatar for abhisek.sanyal
Member Avatar for eurekatech

HP Compaq nx9420 laptop. XP Professional Intel Core 2 Duo 2 Ghz 2 GB ram cannot boot with slax linux. Kernel panic- not syncing: attempted to kill init! knoppix and systemrescuecd crash too. cannot boot Hiren disc in DOS or miniXP mode. Cannot boot in safe mode. hangs at hpdskflt.sys …

Member Avatar for eurekatech
Member Avatar for andyhop

Is there a way to uninstall SP3 using knoppix? My brother had some issues with one of his mmo games so he thought he would just update his OS he didn't tell me what he was doing so i couldn't get the fix for sp3 on his PC b4 he …

Member Avatar for Bob_180_Bob
Member Avatar for khess

Have you searched for Linux distributions that are 100% free? Did you find more than one that suited your needs? Well, here's a list of nine from which you can choose your favorite. Free means freedom to alter, redistribute, sell or release as a different product with no restrictions on …

Member Avatar for khess
Member Avatar for CyberWizard

Hi A friend has given me a Toshiba Satellite Pro L300-155 laptop to take a look at. It wont boot up! It goes as far as a screen saying your last session was shut down blah blah blah do you want to start in safemode safemode with networking safemode with …

Member Avatar for syahrizal

Written by Syahrizal - Article from [URL="http://linuxrise.com"]http://linuxrise.com[/URL] There are plenty of Linux Distros out there. When you want to migrate to Linux, you must first choose a Linux operating system that is suitable for you. If you are a new Linux user, then you should try to learn the basic …

Member Avatar for ploo
Member Avatar for fvdave30

Hello: I have a Gateway tablet laptop computer which starts up but just after the Gateway screen to choose either F2 or F10 the computer just seems to die. I have tried to start it with a bootable knoppix cd with no success. I also created a bootable usb flash …

Member Avatar for PcTestCard.com
Member Avatar for happygeek

Although the [URL="https://www.linux-foundation.org/en/2007ClientSurvey"]Linux Foundation 2007 Desktop/Client survey[/URL] does not actually finish until the 30th November, there would seem to be little point adding your opinion to the thousands who have already done so as the results appear to have escaped. The web is already buzzing with reports that participation levels …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

You can now put a bootable copy of windows on a USB flash drive and then use it as an easy way to recover your windows files if it crashes or just to bring your xp wherever. You need 3 things for this a USB drive with at least 256mb …

Member Avatar for Devasena Prasad

Can anyone tell me how to configure wireless driver in ubuntu and knoppix?? In knoppix the eth0 is detected but then its asking IP address and subnet mask... will this be same as in windows....or different??

Member Avatar for Jakkals
Member Avatar for programmingme

I have a computer that when I hit which ever profile I want to log onto XP with it says the usual, Loading personal settings... then the screen goes blue for a second then I'm kicked back out and it says Saving personal setting and it goes back to the …

Member Avatar for programmingme
Member Avatar for sureronald

I normally use knoppix version 3.9 live cd on various machines I use. I have no problem finding the mount point of ide hard disks usually in /mnt. If I cat the file /etc/fstab sata hard disk is never there. I have experienced similar problems with ubuntu 7.1 even when …

Member Avatar for sureronald
Member Avatar for oorwat

First, thanks for this great forum with so many helpful people! I know responding to people's troubles takes time and effort you could probably be spending elsewhere! Last night, my laptop was working fine. At one point I came back to it (after it had been sitting on unused for …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for sneekula

I have an HP DV9000 notebook with Vista, and created a Knoppix 6.1 live Linux Flashcard. I can boot it up and select Linux, but the 'wirless' switch will not activate, even so physically it is in the on position. It almost looks like there is a software( HP Wireless …

Member Avatar for Xlphos
Member Avatar for ziggy66

Hi, I've got a Knoppix cd that I have used to boot a screwed Windows system - I can see all of my files BUT can't copy them to a new drive because Knoppix tells me I don't have permission to do so, can see all drives attached - How …

Member Avatar for sillyboy

The End.