
I posted a problem I was having with my laptop starting windows. I still have the problem but was wondering if its possible to save some of my important programs.

If I use Knoppix, it allows me to see all files and folders on my HD. Is there a way I can copy a certain file/folder that will save the registration codes/keys.

Thanks again for the help,

I have used Belarc Advisor on Windows PC's for gathering complete PC profiles that included hardware information, and software keys, etc. Just google "belarc" it takes you right to the page.

The Belarc Advisor builds a detailed profile of your installed software and hardware, missing Microsoft hotfixes, anti-virus status, CIS (Center for Internet Security) benchmarks, and displays the results in your Web browser. All of your PC profile information is kept private on your PC and is not sent to any web server.

You referenced Knoppix, and in doing a quick Google for a Belarc Linux, I was taken to another LinuxQuestion where someone suggested "HardInfo" a linux based System Profiler & Benchmark tool.

HardInfo can gather information about your system's hardware and operating system, perform benchmarks, and generate printable reports either in HTML or in plain text formats.

As for saving complete programs, I am not sure what to offer you there. Often times programs will load their .dll files etc. into the systems folder of Windows.

Often times programs will load their .dll files etc. into the systems folder of Windows.

exactly the reason it will not work,programs also share DLL's from other programs or even Windows Dll's that are all ready there ,so its way more that just having the softwares info in the registry

I dont understand....When I was having the problem with my laptop starting (still cannot start)...someone mentioned that I should save some folder or system etc, that it would save the important reg codes...reg keys of all the programs I have installed.

The reason I need to find out how I can do this, is because alot of the programs I have, are hard to find again....can someone please tell me how I might be able to do this.

I have this program on cd called knoppix which allows me to see everything on the HD...so if you can point me to the correct folder, then I could try to swing over the data to another pc.


I dont understand....When I was having the problem with my laptop starting (still cannot start)...someone mentioned that I should save some folder or system etc, that it would save the important reg codes...reg keys of all the programs I have installed.

The reason I need to find out how I can do this, is because alot of the programs I have, are hard to find again....can someone please tell me how I might be able to do this.

I have this program on cd called knoppix which allows me to see everything on the HD...so if you can point me to the correct folder, then I could try to swing over the data to another pc.


I think you should take the laptop to a coputrt repair shop to have the bootup problem fixed .that is your best option .

did you try a www.google.com search a,search for how to save registry of a computer that will not boot

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