can --> soup

can you elaborate pls via anythig


Finally, some brevity out of you. I thought you were puckered tighter than a pickled beet. Sheesh.

soup -->sucks


I see where this one is going as well.

Sucks --> Hoover


Finally, some brevity out of you. I thought you were puckered tighter than a pickled beet. Sheesh.


but your quite the poet(brevity)


but your quite the poet(brevity)

You can drop the holier-than-thou thought process at any time.

It seems you have ran into a mental block
sorry I had to post that

Wow... it's amazing what happens when you don't come back after a month.

face -> nose

kiss -->"First base"

First base --> Denied.

Denied --> sucks
I hate to hear that happend to you

horrible -->crackheads

crackheads -->Rush Limbaugh

Denied --> sucks
I hate to hear that happend to you

Another tangent brought to you bye "Asshole: The Cologne by Big B."

[edit] Keep it clean please guys - peterska2

crackheads -->Rush Limbaugh

Rush --> Hey, at least it's not Bush.

Bush --> maybe feigned needs a little

Bush --> maybe feigned needs a little

Maybe feigned needs a little --> I don't need attitude

If Mr. Affleck would offer some banter back and forth instead of one or two word quips, maybe we could reach a common ground.

[edit] Language people - tone it down and any disputes take to PM please - peterska2


See what I'm talking about?

That's great. Real contribution to the board.

dude.....first this section was just a word association game hence your "instead of one or two word quips". Second, its just a forum...chill out. Third, if your letting a 14 year old get to you this bad you need some help.

Dude feigned you really need some tea

[edit] everyone needs to take five around here - peterska2

some --> time for all to chill out

dude.....first this section was just a word association game hence your "instead of one or two word quips". Second, its just a forum...chill out. Third, if your letting a 14 year old get to you this bad you need some help.

Word association, sure.

But if you check out his posts, he seems to offer a little "extra something" in his posts. Statements that have no relevant value to the post, only to irritate and beleaguer.

I don't like his style, and he had no reason to pony up his ignorant opinion of what I post, or what anyone else posts for that matter.

And you're completely missing the point of my razings.

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