dude.....first this section was just a word association game hence your "instead of one or two word quips". Second, its just a forum...chill out. Third, if your letting a 14 year old get to you this bad you need some help.

Word association, sure.

But if you check out his posts, he seems to offer a little "extra something" in his posts. Statements that have no relevant value to the post, only to irritate and beleaguer.

I don't like his style, and he had no reason to pony up his ignorant opinion of what I post, or what anyone else posts for that matter.

And you're completely missing the point of my razings.

every forum site you go to there will always be a cry baby in the mix If you dont like someones post use the ingnore button
man Im getting out of here when she gets back!!!
continue with the game

time -->military

every forum site you go to there will always be a cry baby in the mix If you dont like someones post use the ingnore button
man Im getting out of here when she gets back!!!
continue with the game

time -->military

military --> precision

precision --> guided missile

guided missile --> different direction (conversation)


This has gone far enough. I have no objections to most conversation - especially when it takes place in the Geek's Lounge forum - but I really would like to keep sexual innuendoes to a minimum.

Please help make this a "family-friendly" forum system. It would be appreciated if you could avoid all sexual innuendoes, name-calling, or anything else that could (potentially) be insulting or derogatory to any other forum member. Remember, something you might think is a joke might be taken more seriously by someone else.

While the forum rules are, logically, much more lax in the Geek's Lounge forum, there are things which simply shouldn't be said on a PUBLIC COMPUTER FORUM.

Currently, all forum posts in this thread are remaining intact. I may decide within the next day or two to selectively remove posts I consider too derogatory to be publically posted.

Please avoid flaming. It's immature ;)

- Dani

and with all of that said ... may I add,

direction --> map

map -->columbus

I would like to apologize on behalf of everyone I take full responsibility for the outcome of the thread........yeah right Carmella who ate all my lasagna and where is anthony jr.

columbus -->Boat

boat --> fishing

deep sea --> diving

deep sea --> diving

Diving - Dumpster.

trash --> garbage

garbage -->waste management

waste --> haste

(e.g. the phrase "haste makes waste")

waste --> haste

(e.g. the phrase "haste makes waste")

Haste = Square

As in Squaresoft's Final Fantasy series.

square -->Quaternion algebra

algebra --> School....... (:p)

school --> college

college --> Paaaaarty!!!!!!

Paaaaarty!!!!!! -->specialist

specialist--> scientist

area 51 --> aliens

aliens -> Space Ships

NASA --> Tony Nelson

Tony Nelson --> Jeannie
That was a big surprise....really...Im serious

Jeannie --> bottle

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