against law - murder

Murder -> Inhuman crime

inhuman crime - condemn

condemn -> conmen

conmen -> politicians

politicians -> liars

liars -> pants on fire

Inhuman crime --> Alien-probe

Alien Probe -> Test Subjects

test subject --> humans (atleast its that way in the hitch hikers guide..)

Humans -> strange beings

strange being --> spiders

Spiders -> Creepy

Creepy --> Crawly

Crawly -> Slither

Slither -> Harry Potter (Slytherin)

Harry Potter --> John Williams (composer of sound track)

John Williams -> Composer

Composer --> Joseph Horovitz

Joseph Horovitz -> horoscope

horoscope --> Weekend Magazine

Weekend Magazine -> Life

life - death

Death -> Painkiller

painkiller - cancer

cancer -> politics

politics --> government

government -> sleaze

sleaze -> bingo

bingo --> Line

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