thanks I couldnt think of anything
Tongue --> Ring
thanks I couldnt think of anything
Tongue --> Ring
ring --> finger
finger --> middle
to euro trash
Middle -> Centre
Do not diss Eurotrash, it's porn and comedy mixed together ;)
Search for it at
Centre --> Middle
Middle -> left
Middle -> left
Left --> Out
Out -> Outside
outside --> europeans
outside --> europeans
Europeans --> Luftwaffe
Luftwaffe -> Germans
germans --> both of you
germans --> both of you
Both of you --> Your avatar sucks.
Germans --> Hindenburg
Hindenburg --> where my grandfather sniped greasy germans like yourself
Hindenburg --> where my grandfather sniped greasy germans like yourself
Your grandfather was a pol?
Has he figured out screen doors yet?
Grandfather --> Farmall H (That's a tractor for the uninformed)
tractor --> farm
Farm -->Girls
girls --> women
Women --> great
great --> the techtalkforums community
the techtalkforums community --> 24 hour support
where my grandfather sniped greasy germans like yourself -> No, I'm from the UK.
24 hour support --> techtalkforums
Whoa, Big B, lay off Rob ;) The goal of this site is to help each other, not criticize each other.
sucks --> lollypop
(It was the only thing I could think of while still keeping the forum clean.)
**s*t*a*r** WOW Ill never look at you the same again
lollypop --> surgar
Your site is the best in the whole world I will bookmarket it
haha ;)
sugar --> cane
cane -->able
Great for cracking passwords
(It was the only thing I could think of while still keeping the forum clean.)
can you elaborate pls via anything
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