Below is my code. The problem is on the 'javascript:ViewPage(article_1.html)'; How to code the quote inside the ViewPage function since im using the
echo "....." ;

echo "
<script language='javascript'>
function ViewPage(url)
{ OpenWin =, 'CtrlWindow', 'toolbar=yes,menubar=yes,location=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes');

<tr><td><a href='javascript:ViewPage(article_1.html)';>Article1</a></td><tr>



it should be

<a href="javascript:ViewPage('article_1.html')";>Article1</a>

You can "escape" the quotes

echo "
<script language='javascript'>
function ViewPage(url)
{ OpenWin =, 'CtrlWindow', 'toolbar=yes,menubar=yes,location=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes');
<tr><td><a href='javascript:ViewPage(\"article_1.html\")';>Article1</a></td><tr> 

that's just putting a \ before them. Tells PHP to leave them alone.

Two important things:

1. You can enclose single quotes within double quotes WITHOUT escaping them and vice versa.

2. You should echo each line inidivdually.

2. You should echo each line inidivdually.

I disagree. I believe you should be building up a string of code and echo out less frequently.

For instance, lets say I have a function called getTable() I would expect it to return me a string of html formatted code for a table of data. I would then be able to call it with

echo getTable($result);

this will make the code faster and more modular. It probably takes us way beyond the original post but...

buried deep within my site I have some info on coding standards which also covers this.


I don't disagree with you, but how exactly would you do what you are talking about with the code provided by the original poster ?

actually.... i would do it like this (use straight html when you can... its quicker):

<? // does anything really need to be here? ?>
<script language="javascript">
function ViewPage(url)
{ OpenWin =, 'CtrlWindow', 'toolbar=yes,menubar=yes,location=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes');
<tr><td><a href="javascript:ViewPage('article_1.html');">Article1</a></td><tr>

otherwise.... echo 'a bunch of '.$stuff.' here';
or... echo "whatever you $want";
escaping works, but makes it a pain to move chunks of html out of <?php?> sections

good luck

actually.... i would do it like this (use straight html when you can... its quicker):

<? // does anything really need to be here? ?>
<script language="javascript">
function ViewPage(url)
{ OpenWin =, 'CtrlWindow', 'toolbar=yes,menubar=yes,location=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes');
<tr><td><a href="javascript:ViewPage('article_1.html');">Article1</a></td><tr>

otherwise.... echo 'a bunch of '.$stuff.' here';
or... echo "whatever you $want";
escaping works, but makes it a pain to move chunks of html out of <?php?> sections

good luck

If a person is just getting started, I would point them in this direction. As their scripts/programs require more modularity and more code in general, it's always better to point them in the class/function direction. It's not too difficult to learn and it will provide better coding standards all around for the developer.



Now that i remember my beginning days, i have to agree.

Thanks ... sarahk

It works now...using this
print ...\" ... \" ..... ;


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