ok lets be honest here most ppl in this forum weather they know to program or not have alot of knowledge on computers and computer systems.knowledge is power and with alot of power comes temptation.

so lets be honest how many of you here have abused that power before.

dont be shy now.

Abused my knowledge of computers? No, never, nope, not me ... What exactly do you mean by *abused* ?? Nothing illegal ... I don't play around in the IRCs although I used to run an FTP site and distribute bootleg movies.

Well, I'm an Op at a huge channel on IRC, named #Betas... our peak users:

[3:13] (@Tekmaven) !peak
[3:13] (@^Dragon^) Best Peak Was 858 - Was On 08/04/2003 00:20:17

And I don't ever abuse it. I just chill around, and make sure people are doing what they are supposed to and answer questions.

If you want to come visit us - we are on /server irc.ufnet.org, channel #Betas. (UFNet is run by us :D)

hmm i think i will give it a vist!

you gusy are too good. what i mean has you ever been hacked by some di** head who things he knows it all and you got him back in a way that he will not forget.

knowledge is power

I think this is where you start to go wrong. Someone has knowledge, knowledge is power, power can be abused ....

You're trying too hard. Not all knowledge can be used as a form of power. Not all power can be abused in a meaningful way.

hmm..i'm sorry but that to me didnt make sence. what do you mean not all knowledge is power. every little extra piece of information makes you alittle more powerfull.

as for the rest thats the same thing that i said power can be abused.

on IRC, never abused it. In forums, never abused it (or not that I know of). On other stuff...I've used what I know against some people before...not to do anything bad or illegal, just to gain an advantage :P muwhahaha

hmm..i'm sorry but that to me didnt make sence. what do you mean not all knowledge is power. every little extra piece of information makes you alittle more powerfull.

as for the rest thats the same thing that i said power can be abused.

"Knowledge is power" as it stands is nonsense. Knowledge can only be power if it's not common knowledge, if the knowledge is restricted in some way, particularly if you're the only person with that knowledge. When the knowledge is shared the power is diluted. Knowledge about computers is common knowledge.

Not all knowledge is powerful. If my wife knows everything there is to know about garden flowers - is she powerful? Can she abuse that knowledge? And what is she discovers a new garden flower that nobody else knows about? Does she then have a power that can be abused? I think not.

To take a simple statement like "knowledge is power" and develop an argument from it the way you did is foolish.

Knowledge is power--Steve Droke

interesting point, but as I understand it there are different levels of computer knowledge
you might know more then others and in that difference is your power.
you cant say that computers are common knowledge because that is deceptive and presumes that every ones knowledge of computers is equal.

I see no relation between flowers and computers. computers have the potential to do harm
and unless your wife is going to chase ppl and rub poison ivy on them that example is irrelevant.

All knowledge is power....the ability to abuse said knowledge is dependant upon the depth of the knowledge and the mind of the person with the knowledge, whether it be plants or computers. My knowledge of cleaning products can produce bombs - my knowledge of plants may produce poisons - my knowledge of computers may produce viruses. It is not the type of knowledge that dictates the capabilities for abuse as it is the creative abilities ( be it good or bad ) of the mind. knowledge is power to the mind that knows how to use it.

Oh, and I may have abused my programming position SLIGHTLY to make things run better and make my life easier - but it is no way harmful to others. :roll:

All knowledge is power....

Prove it.

Better yet....disprove it. That way we can understand the angle your coming from.

All reasonable theories are considered probable until proven false.

I'm sure many prehistoric man may have struck two stones together and saw sparks....but the right mind saw fire where no one else did. You can mirror this same type of scenario throughout history with seemingly simple ideas that no one else put together.

Better yet....disprove it.

Hmmm, yes, I was pretty sure your next post would contain no proof whatsoever.

Well, to be honest bob - I'm not really sure what your getting at. How is it you want me to prove it.
There are things you know that I don't and things I know that you don't.
We come from two different areas of programming....so....what?

This is a tough question I've thought about a long time. I have no answer, just views. Here they are from an old post on a different forum.

First of all, let me just say that the quote dates back since the time of the Bible. Throughout history, famous philosopers such as Francis Bacon and Michel Foucault wrote about power. If the quote or topic was made or researched by philosophers, I think we can all agree that the quote was originally written to be taken in a philosophical sense.

So the argument is "is all knowledge power?" I don't think that question itself can be answered by anyone, not without some careful analysis. Philosophy is all about analysis. To answer this question, first we have to think about what each word in the question means. What is "power"? What is "knowledge"? What is "all"? What is "is"? Taking that into account, the question becomes even more complex. Once we think about what each word means, we can move on and think about if all knowledge is really power.

Is it all power? If I know how to crack my knuckles, know how many t-shirts I have in my closet, know that when I wink, my other eye winks by force, am I more powerful than someone else? After all, (all) knowledge is power, right? Whether this type of knowledge is power can also be argued upon. This is why knowledge has to be defined. Does knowledge mean any sort of information you have in your brain, or does it have to have some importance? Even estimating the importance of it is a issue all in itself. Some people might consider it important, others not. So in a way, we can say that it is a selective process that humans made up- all based on culture, morals, teachings, and information passed among generations.

What is power? If knowledge is power, then is having a lot knowledge an advantage or a disadvantage? If I was an omniscient, and knew all, I'd wonder how many times I'd think about suicide. The fact that you know all, is overwhelming. Knowing what others think about you, learning that people betray you, don't love you, cheat on you, knowing when you will die and your loved ones will die, that's over the line. Even if you weren't an omniscient, I think that the more you know, the more "knowledge" you posses, the more worries you have. A child who is naive doesn't have much to worry about. He doesn't have the knowledge of responsibility. Adults have bills to pay and a family to raise, let alone their personal life. Chances are that the more "knowledge" you have, the more responsibility you have, and with that, comes stress. The question whether stress is good is another issue.

If we defined "power" and "knowledge" can we still answer the question? Probably not. I know I can't. Even if someone possessed all the knowledge in the world, can they use it? I know people who know everything about programming. All the theory. Know computer science in an out. They know the theory, but can't write a single useful application. They have the knowledge, even have knowledge on applying that knowledge, but can't apply it. The idea of application loops back to power again. Does power mean you have to be able to apply it also?

I hope you can understand what I'm getting at. There are too many issues to think about and we'll never get a straight answer because it's all a matter of interpretation.

"With whom do I harken the voice of reason?"

Well said, inscissor.

A truth that stands universally firm, regardless of personal opinion, is that knowledge is not a constant. What may be considered knowledge to one is not necessarily so for another. A definition of knowledge is only of personal concern. Knowledge cannot be defined as a universal standard in some form or fashion - but is open to dictation by each individual.

Based upon my personal definition of knowledge - yes, knowledge is power. It empowers me to be better and more intelligent. But alas, this only applies to me.

Again, a well thought post that is every bit worthy of a philosophy degree!

Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week. Try the chicken.

ok lets be honest here most ppl in this forum weather they know to program or not have alot of knowledge on computers and computer systems.knowledge is power and with alot of power comes temptation.

so lets be honest how many of you here have abused that power before.

dont be shy now.

Lets see......... I have rooted alot of boxes before, I used to be "USED" to be a packet monkey with ciscos, and such......... I guess I hack alot :twisted: But then again im just your popular computer geek... Nerds get good grades, geeks just sit around when they are bored and computer... :shock:

Nope, you got it all wrong.

Nerds go to parties, and sit in the corner. Geeks to the same parties and get wedgies.

Nope, you got it all wrong.

Nerds go to parties, and sit in the corner. Geeks to the same parties and get wedgies.

what if your a girl geek with a thong on ?

lol i find it very interesting how this evolved. from just a question to girls thongs. tell you the truth i'm glad we argued enough losen up guys lol its like you going to get a phd on this question or something.

you know how i see it in the future i see it that the guys on the computers are goign to be the cools ones and the guys that know nothing about it will be the geeks. i can see it now ppl trying to suck up to us and stuff because we are ow so smart.

you know how i see it in the future i see it that the guys on the computers are goign to be the cools ones and the guys that know nothing about it will be the geeks. i can see it now ppl trying to suck up to us and stuff because we are ow so smart.

i truely believe that this will happen, also.

I believe that one day all people will worship at my feet -> celebrating my divine wisdom by drinking martinis and singing Dean Martin tunes....

Forget computers, being cool, and people sucking up.

Women will always prefer guys with fast cars.

Forget computers, being cool, and people sucking up.

Women will always prefer guys with fast cars.

Who do u think comes up with the engines for fast cars? :P

Last post was by me. 8) For some reason the forum reset my session.

Physical attraction has always been prevalent.

Physical attraction??? Yuck! That is so ... Neanderthal!!

Physical attraction has always been prevalent.

Physical attraction??? Yuck! That is so ... Neanderthal!!

So is the word "yuck." 8) If you don't believe me, read any basic psychology book. Several studies have been made. I agree with most of them. If you want there to be a physical relationship (kissing, hugging, etc...) there has to be at least some physical attraction... I think so anyways. Some people have a hard time admitting that because they have been taught to think that basing someone or something on looks is foolish/naive/simple-minded/etc/etc. The younger you are, the more looks matters.

far too much time spent on a truly trivial matter.

Such dorks!

oops sorry... Umm... lets see... yeah no girl is going after you even if you built the 'supercomputer'... unless you put some kind of mind controling program... hmmm....

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