what is diff. f the C and C++?

Well C++ has classes while C has not. My advice, C++ is the way to go since C is fully contained in C++. This means many(mostly everything) of the stuff you can do in C can be done in C++, except build an O/S.

>the stuff you can do in C can be done in C++, except build an O/S.
Nope, you can do that in C++ too. C++ can be used anywhere C can, provided there's a compiler available for the target machine.

>the stuff you can do in C can be done in C++
and in the C++ the stuff combine with object oriented programming (not pure OOP but like hybrid).

In Ur they had neither C nor C++.
Come to think of it they didn't have + either, they used other characters entirely for writing.

commented: The Urly bird catches the Chaldean worm. +1

and wat is te diFF. between the app. of the 2?
and their apperance?

I'm sorry, I refuse to answer your question until you stop using silly chat speak to communicate.

difference b\w in c and C++

1. in c++ we have classes and object
2. in c++ we have function overloading, inheritence ,virtual function ,constructor

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I'm sorry, I refuse to answer your question until you stop using silly chat speak to communicate.

ok what is the difference between the two of them

>the stuff you can do in C can be done in C++, except build an O/S.
Nope, you can do that in C++ too. C++ can be used anywhere C can, provided there's a compiler available for the target machine.

Except for the facts like C++ has more keywords, so int new; will not compile in C++, but it will work without any problem in C.

Except for the facts like C++ has more keywords, so int new; will not compile in C++, but it will work without any problem in C.

you have that backwards. the new operators is in c++ not C.

What's the difference between C and C++. Hundreds of differences. You can't take a C program and expect it to compile with a C++ compiler, and vice versa. Think of them as two completly different languages. As with most languages there are many similarities but there are also many differences.

>Except for the facts like C++ has more keywords, so int new;
>will not compile in C++, but it will work without any problem in C.
The statement I was quoting talked about functional ability, not piddling differences between syntax and semantics. For example, C++ can indeed be used to build an OS. Everything you can use C for, you can also use C++ for, provided C++ is supported on the target system.

what easier to use c or C++ or java? (in making a game)

what easier to use c or C++ or java? (in making a game)

If you have to ask that then you are not ready to start writing a game. Study the languages first before diving into the deep end of the water.

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