So, what do you do? What do you like? What do you hate? What are your hobbies? I think we all know that we have computers in common. Some of us are into programming, while others into networking, hardware, etc. But what's the other side of you like? The side when you're not around computers. (AS IF! :D ) I whipped up a questionaire:

Name: Daniel
Nickname: Danny-Boy (ooh, do I hate this one), Dan, Danny
Height: 5'10''
Weight: 173
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Location: NY
Age: 22
Hobbies: Listening to music, drawing, playing the piano, going out with friends and family, movies, laughing, sleeping, martial arts, working out, anime

Relationship Status: single

Fav Music: damn, a lot of U2, Greenday, Nirvana, REM, The Offspring, GoldFinger, Dave Mathews Band, Metallica, Aerosmith, Classical music, video game music, Techno/Trance/Dance, Jazz

Education: Computer Science, Business Computer Information Systems, Psychology

Work: Free lance web designer and programmer (web dev)
Favorite Food: Pizza, Chinese/Spanish Food, Chicken, Steak, Tacos, and Fetuccini Alfredo

Favorite Movies: The Naked Gun (1, 2 1/2, 33 1/3), Total Recall, Predator, Terminator 2, Superman, Carlito's Way, GoodFellas, Dumb and Dumber, Liar Liar, High Fidelity, Shawshank Redemption, The Stand, and others I can't remember

Favorite TV Shows: The Family Guy, The Simpsons, X-Files, John Doe, Will and Grace, Seinfeld, Frasier, Everybody Loves Raymond, Just Shoot Me

Favorite Video Games: Secret of Mana (SNES), Zelda A Link to the Past (SNES), Street Fighter Alpha II & III (Playstation), Starfox(SNES), Super Mario Kart (SNES), Diablo II Lord of Destruction

Stuff you Dislike: Pain, people who flick their cigarettes out of their car window, rap and their singers, computer science( :D ), people with bad temper and who are loud, inconsiderate jerks 8)

Feel free to add more stuff :D

Luckyjfl commented: Yes, I agree with a few things and it is good. +0
jingda commented: You rock +0

Name - Danielle
Nickname - Dani, CSCGal
Height - 5' 3"
Weight - c'mon ;)
Hair - dark brown w/ reddish highlights 8)
Eyes - 2 of 'em
Location - da Nawth Shaw of Lawn Giland
Age - turning 20 next month

Hobbies - lounging around on the computer and looooong pleasure drives in my car which is no more

Relationship Status - single

Fav Music - oldies, tv themes ;) , fun lively songs with lyrics I can understand, Peter the Meter Reader :P ... right now my cellphone ringer is set to Copacabana

Education - junior at Hofstra U with a major in Computer Science (B.S. degree) and a minor in Business Computer Information Systems

Favorite Movies - The Shawshank Redemption, Antitrust, Splash, The Truman Show, Man on the Moon, The Santa Clause, Hook, The Odd Couple, ...

Favorite TV Shows - Anything on TV Land or Nick @ Nite, game shows, Star Trek Voyager

Favorite Computer Games - Simulations, simulations!! Everything from SimCity to The Sims to Tropico ...

Stuff I Dislike - Not so much lying as much as knowing someone is lying, obnoxious people, teachers who can't teach for their lives

More coming when I think of it ...

[edit]I just turned 21![/edit]

[second edit]I just turned 22![/edit]

commented: i think i like everything about dani web but as a bigginer what i really want is a live disscussion on the web +0

Name: Paul
Nickname: Tough-guy (i'm NOT!), Big-Guy (er, well, er...) & Uncle Ungots (forgetaboutit!)
Height: 5'7''
Weight: see "Big-Guy" reference above! ;)
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Location: NY
Age: old enough 2b inscissor's Pops, but not by much! ;)

Hobbies: Listening to music, palette knife painting (ya know - Bob Ross stuff!), going out with friends and family, movies, laughing, canoeing, alpine skiing, long drives, walks on the beach, holding hands & eating almost anything chocolate

Relationship Status: SINGLE :x

Fav Music: too many different kinds to list, but please no asian/indian music (like the peeps, dislike the music!), jazz or head-bangin stuff; hip-hops ok (but dated!) but not a big fan of rap. really like the new LI station (94.3), (95.5), WBAB (102.3), WBLI (???.?), & country music.

Education: High School (soon 2b a CSC major, once i settle on a school)

Work: 2nd level network support desk tech as well as a Lotus Notes Admin & Dev wannabe

Favorite Food: Pizza, Steak, Fish/Lobster, Italian cuisine, chicken, veal, venison Chinese food, Mexican food (oooh, ox-tail soup!!!), many cheeses & ICE CREAM

Foods most disliked: milk (other than chocolate!), yogart & cottage/ricotta cheese

Favorite Movies: ET, Close Encounters, Star Wars Episodes 4, 5 & 6, Titanic, Total Recall, Predator, Terminator 2, Sleepless in Seatle, Castle Keep, just about everything done by James/Jimmy Stewart, John Wayne, Bruce Willis, Samuel Jackson, Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan, Cuba Goodin Jr & Jodie Foster, Top Gun, The Money Pit, Rain Man, Patton & nearly everything Disney

Most disliked movies: any thing even remotely like Dumb & Dumber and anything gangster related!

Favorite TV Shows: First couple of years of X-Files, CSI, Friends, Seinfeld, Frasier, Everybody Loves Raymond, any of the Star Trek series (although the original series is REALY tuff 2 watch nowadays), Touched by an Angel, It's a Miracle, Miracle Pets and most shows on the Discovery, TLC and Home & Gardens channels, Emril (however which way u spell his name, BAM!)

Favorite Video Games: MechWarrior2 (MechWarrior3 was ok, but disappointingly limited; havent gotten around to MechWarrior4 yet), Lode Runner...

Stuff you Dislike: cursing, people who flick their cigarettes out of their car window, litterers, rap, people with bad temper and who are loud, inconsiderate jerks, liars & those who are self-centered

Favorite Chat Rooms/Msg Boards:
TechTalk Forums (aeinstein
Lotus Notes (Iris) forums (real name)
ChurchUSA SinglesPlus (over 30 crowd!) (WindSongMan, QuietMan)
John Andretti Fan Page (andretty43, racerJA)

Favorite seasons: Spring (flowers) Summer (beach!) & Fall (foliage) & Winter (Snowman making & Christmas!!!)

ok, whatdimiss? ;)

commented: =) +3

Name: James
Nickname: Jimmy, Jimbo, flash, espi
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 195
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Location: MS
Age: 21
Hobbies: Music,computers, and cars.

Relationship Status: single

Fav Music: Im really open minded...pretty much anything.

Education: Still workin on a computer engineering degree :/

Work: phone tech support

Favorite Movies: Terminator 2: Judgement day and dumb and dumber

Favorite TV Shows: South park, the simpsons

Favorite Video Games: Chronotrigger, quake3, quakeworld teamfortress.

Stuff you Dislike: mustangs :/

commented: kool +0

Name: TJ
Nickname: Digital
Height: 5'11
Weight: 160
Hair: Brown
Eyes: green
Location: Dixon, IL
Age: 19

Name -Paul
Nickname - Brills, Whipaway
Hair - dark brown
Eyes - 2 of 'em
Location - LI NY
Hobbies - Computers,

Favourite Music - B-52s U2
Education - junior at Hofstra U with a major in Computer Science (B.S. degree) and a minor in Business Computer Information Systems

Favourite Movies - Robocop, Christine, Duel, Mad Max, Faster Pussycat, Kill, Kill!

Favourite TV Shows - Original Star Trek Original twilight Zone, New Outer limits

Stuff I Dislike - Loudmouths

Name: Tyler
Nickname: Ty
Height: 5'11''
Weight: 130
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Location: MI
Age: 16
Hobbies: philosophy, C++, Linux, anything computer related.

Relationship Status: Long term relationship

Fav Music: Rock/Rap

Education: Home school, soon to study computer science, and philosophy.

Work: I am part owner of a computer tech company hosted in my basement.. And I also work at a car wash.

Favorite Food: Chinese

Favorite Movies: Chasing Amy

Favorite TV Shows: South Park

Favorite Video Games: Any one of the Final Fantasy series..

Stuff you Dislike: Ignorant, unopen minded people..

Name: Kyle
Nickname: Big K
Height: 5'8"
Weight: Big Enough
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Location: ND
Age: 20
Hobbies: Sports, Computers, and video games

Relationship Status: Single :(

Favorite Music: Rap, Rock and almost everything else

Education: A.A. in computer programming, and goin to start on my B.S. in computer science in the fall

Favorite TV Shows: South Park, Simpsons, The Screen Savers, Unscrewed, Late Night w/ Conan O'Brien, XPlay, and more jst cant think of them

Favorite Sports Teams: NFL=Kansas City Chiefs; NHL=Minnisota Wild; MLB=Minnisota Twins; and NBA=MN Timberwolves or the LA Lakers

Favorite Video games: all 3D Shooters (i perfer console games over PC games)

Programming Languages: RPG/400, COBOL, Java, Visual Basic, SQL

Dis-likes: stupid ppl, i have alot more dislikes jst cant think of them right now. get back to you on it :)

Stuff you Dislike: Ignorant, unopen minded people..

I think the word you're looking for is "closed" ;-)

Stuff you Dislike: Ignorant, unopen minded people..

I think the word you're looking for is "closed" ;-)

Hahah, yes I agree very much so.

Name: Thomas
Nickname: MuddBuddha
Height: 6'1''
Weight: 230
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Location: IN (:(
Age: 33
Hobbies: Studying....seems as though it never stops :(

Relationship Status: Married

Fav Music: Dean Martin

Education: School + Life + Work = Education (will that generate a compile error?!)

Work: Automation programmer (GPL)

Favorite Food: AUTHENTIC Spanish & Italian

Favorite Movies: The Godfather, The Edge, Antitrust, Army of Darkness, Real Genius, Beautiful Mind, .........can't think of anymore.

Favorite TV Shows: Was Farscape.... :(

Favorite Video Games: Anything strategic

Stuff you Dislike: My tendency to always be right. (haha)




happiness, web development (design and programming), writing, politics, music, sex

Objectivism (rational self-interest, minimal government)

Preferred Music:
The Wallflowers, Aimee Mann, Dave Matthews Band, Fuel, Incubus, Cake, Alicia Keys, Norah Jones, Sheryl Crow

Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science

Programming Languages and Other Technologies:
Java, PHP, BASH, SQL, PERL, C++, XHTML, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ASP

Current Thankless, Underpaying Job:
Unix Support Technician for a web hosting company

Favorite Foods and Drinks:
sushi, pizza, peanut butter and honey sandwich on wheat, Shiner Bock (a Texas beer), Coca-Cola

Favorite Books:
Hyperion series (Dan Simmons), The Fountainhead (Ayn Rand), Anthem (Ayn Rand), The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (Robert Heinlein)

Favorite Movies:
The Matrix, LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring, Tombstone, The Princess Bride, Office Space, Contact, Pulp Fiction, The Manchurian Candidate, Breakfast at Tiffany?s, Fight Club, The Empire Strikes Back

Favorite TV Shows:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, M*A*S*H, The West Wing, Farscape, Stargate SG-1, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Law & Order, Sex and the City, The X-Files

Things and People I Dislike:
Communism, fascism, authority, liberal political ideals, conservative political ideals, religion, drama, PETA, people who give me shit for smoking, mullets (long in back, short in front), violence, cell phone ring tones, Xenocide by Orson Scott Card, prudes, stupid drivers, kissasses, income tax, Social Security, Kafka, Everybody Loves Raymond

Name: Ryan
Nickname: Tekmaven, "HOFF"
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 250
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Long story, but they change colors (different temps, different colors)
Location: NY
Age: 16

Computers, Football, Basketball, Video Editing/Production, Girls

Relationship Status:
Single - so watch out Dani :-P

Fav Music:
System of a Down, Incubus, Linkin Park, Kid Rock, Guns n Roses, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Rage Against the Machine, Korn, Beastie Boys, Tenacious D, et al.

I'm going to summer school this summer... lol

Cablevision/Town of North Hempstead (Channel 18 ) - Producer/Director

Favorite Food:
Not Taco Bell :-P (Dani will get that one...) umm, right now my favorite is Philly Cheesesteaks.

Favorite Movies:
The Matrix I, AntiTrust, The American President (I'm such a girl... lol)

Favorite TV Shows:
Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Stargate SG-1, everything on CNBC, and Everybody Loves Raymond.

Favorite Video Games:
Well, I don't really play games that much, but I would have to say 007 Golden Eye (for N64)

Stuff you Dislike:
Linux Supporters, Microsoft Bashers, Taco Bell, Non "active" Girls, Fish (eww... I HATE FISH, except for Lox, because I'm Jewish :-D)

Name - Kevin
Nickname - Tecil, Netwyrk
Height - 6' 2"
Weight - 200
Hair - Brown
Eyes - Brown
Location - Boise, ID
Age - 25

Hobbies - Blogging, sport shooting, Xbox, Gamecube, PC gaming, web design, internet, hockey, good times, good friends, and a nice medium cooked steak.

Relationship Status - Married

Occupation: System Admin/Support

Fav Music - Tool, Nirvana, Pink Floyd, The Doors, Led Zepplin, AC/DC, Ozzy

Education - Some college, but mainly lots of self taught skills, and IT certifications.

Favorite Movies - American Beauty, Fight Club, Rushmore, The Shawshank Redemption

Favorite TV Shows - Trading Spaces, While You Were Out, ER, Scrubs, X-Play, Unscrewed, American Chopper

Favorite Computer Games - I don't play as many games on my computer as I used to. Mainly just Xbox and Gamecube these days.

Name - Michael
Nickname - Mike? :P
Height - 6' 3"
Weight - 140
Hair - Brown
Eyes - Hazel
Location - Orlando FL
Age - 21

Hobbies - Programming, technology in general, hanging out ofcourse, computer art, drawing

Relationship Status - going on 2 years :shock:

Occupation: Web host technician

Fav Music - Metal (disturbed), rap (krayzie bone)

Education - A.S Software Application Programming/ working on B.S in Information Systems Security.

Favorite Movies - Matrix I and II, Lotsa anime movies but Vampire hunter D over them all :D

Favorite TV Shows - DBZ, friends, monster garage, screen savers... and anything else really that shows up on a discovery or tech tv channel :D

Favorite Computer Games - All the unreal series and Mods, Counter Strike for half life, Waiting on savage, planet side and world of warcraft :D

Name: andy
Nickname: spikes, netcyber
Height: 5'11''
Weight: skinny
Hair: Brown
Eyes: blue
Location: Worcester England
Age: 26 (oh! Im so old)
Hobbies: music, sk8, braking stuff, fixing stuff, learning new stuff

Relationship Status: single, with a girlfriend who irritates me

Fav Music: nofx, MM, korn..yada yada yada

Education: IT, geography, environmental sci, physics, chemistry

Work: IT admin

Favorite Movies: empire records, clueless, matrix, the holy trilogy, and Kevin smith movies

Favorite TV Shows: dont really watch it

Favorite Video Games: freelancer, ms flightsim, UT

Stuff you Dislike: social situations, sport, tuesdays

Name: Anthony
Height: 5'6''
Weight: average
Hair: black
Eyes: black
Location: NY
Age: still a teenager
Hobbies: music, movies, going out, learning (teachers these days...)
Programming Languages: HTML, PHP
Relationship Status: dating
Fav Music: Calamine (one of the best indie bands out there, great pop/rock)
Jewel (great lyrics, great voice)
Jason Mraz (it just goes and flows),
Counting Crows (they just sound too good),
Michelle Branch (her voice is easy to identify),
Goo Goo Dolls (Be angry and in love without going psycho),
John Mayer (his voice just makes me relax even with a fast song),
Norah Jones (same with John),
Heather Nova (she goes crazy with her voice),
Jessica Andrews (the only semi-country music I like), and a whole lot of other stuff I'm too lazy to list.
Education: Middle School/Some high school! I went to a boarding school for that and will be for the next years of high school. I'm a fast learner and very curious, so I think I'm wayyy beyond my years on a lot of subjects.
Work: 'Runner' at a cafe. Call me errand boy!
Favorite Food: None. Never know what I want to eat. I hate that
Favorite Movies: That's a hard one... When Harry Met Sally(hmm...), Matrix (both), a lot of those teen comedies (Molly Ringwald stuff, empire records, 10 things, Can't Hardly Wait), Jay and Silent bob series, and some other stuff I can't remember...
Favorite TV Shows: Late Night with Conan O'Brien (esp. Triumph), Simpsons, Family Guy, CSI, Friends, Scrubs, Will&Grace...
Favorite Video Games: Halo, Fusion Frenzy(guilty pleasure), Jedi Outcast, Midnight Club 2, Starcraft, Unreal Tournament 2003, GTA series.
Stuff I Dislike: People who complain that life's not fair. Also people who sing along to song they don't know the lyrics to.

Name: Troy
Nickname: None that I know of
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 195
Hair: blonde
Eyes: blue
Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Age: 30
Hobbies: Weight lifting, travelling, computers, movies, music, women, beer, wine, cars,......Medicine, Drugs, Physiology.......

Relationship Status: single

Fav Music: 80's Metal, Jazz....Diana Krall.. Her concert was awesome !!! Frank Sinatra, Ozzy Osbournce, Van Halen, Michelle Branch, 3 Doors Down, Theory of a Deadman, Nickelback, the list is really too long.

Education: Math/Chermistry Major, Pharmacy Degree (Pharmacist), Computer System Technology Diploma.

Work: Hmmm.... take a wild guess?!

Favorite Food: Pasta, steak, fajiatas, ice cream, salsa and chips, hot wings. has calories and is a major food group...really.

Favorite TV Show: NHL Hockey Night in Canada, ER, survivor (only so-called reality show I watch), TLC shows

Favorite Movies: Thirteen Days, An American President, Aliens, X-Men 2, Final Destination 1 & 2, Jurassic Park, Tomestone, and Hunt for Red October, 10 things I hate about you and Airplane.

Favorite Video Games:
Dragon's Lair, Diablo II LOD, Half-Life , Homeworld, NHL 1998, 2002.

Favorite Books: Anything by R.A. Salvatore, Dragonlance Novels, and well Medical and Computer books (too many to mention)

Dislikes: Drivers who don't signal or turn on there lights (at night). People who play head games. Rap, Taxes, War, the Gap!

Name: Kevin
Nickname: TheOgre, Bull
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 210
Age: 35
Hair: Blondish (what there is left of it!)
Eyes: They change between green, blue, grey, and hazel
Location: Northern New Jersey
Military: USMC, ARNG, US Army
Relationship Status: Single
Hobbies: Weightlifting, computers, reading, movies, music, mountainbiking, hunting, fishing, camping, and hiking

Education: Working on a BS in Telecommunications Management, as well as numerous security-related IT certifications.

Work: I own my own computer consulting firm.

Favorite Foods: Pizza, Italian subs, seafood, steak, pasta; pretty much everything :P

Favorite Musical Artists: David Arkenstone, Jeff Victor, Danny Elfman, Robyn Miller, assorted other Celtic/Gaelic musicians, with some Metallica and TSO thrown in for good measure.

Favorite Games: Neverwinter Nights (+ SOU), Unreal Tourney (+ 2003), Dungeon Seige, Thief (I and II), Half-Life (+mods), and Legend Of the Red Dragon (yes, I run a BBS, and my LORD is registered :P)

Favorite Movies: Too many to list.

Favorite Authors: Terry Pratchett (DiscWorld), David Eddings (the Belgariad and Mallorian series), Douglas Adams (Hitchhiker's Guide), and Robert Jordan (Wheel of Time series)

Things that really piss me off: People who think that everyone needs to be "Politically Correct," rude/obnoxious behavior, flag burners, the VA, idiot drivers, people with a closed mind to anything not the "norm," Microsoft (I use it for playing games on), and people who start arguments about things they don't know a thing about, or who are too lazy to look up the facts prior to instigating a heated conversation.

Name: David
aka: Glory, Dave, Wiecek
Height: 5-7 (being short SUCKS)
Weight: 203
Hair Color: Brown

Location: Little place called "Utica, NY" We have forests, and woodland creatures, and even cows in this part of NY haha.

State University New York Utica Institute of Technoloy
Senior Computer Science, Start Masters in Business Fall 04
Hobbies: Redhat
MS server administration
preparing for mcse tests
C unix network programming
Chillin with friends
All night programming w/ friends(12:30am till 8:00am)
I play on the college Lacrosse team (starting attack)

Also play basketball, Flag Football, tennis,paintball
Staying Inshape
Chopping firewood
Volunteer work
Dog training, etc etc etc.
I would put girls if the ratio of guys to gals wasnt

just like this forum (1 gal to 1337 guys)
( Can i even be considered a geek if i do all this???)

Relationship Status:
Single- I not ready to give up the free life yet.

Favorite Food: Chicken
Favorite Movie: Enemy of the State(nothing else even comes close)
Favorite Music: Nickelback, 3 Doors Down,Dave Mathews, Linkin Park(energy), Mozart, Yo-Yo Ma. Classical and Techno Classical are great to program to :)
Dislikes: People who have the luxury of sleeping 10 hrs a day. Police following me( i really have to fix the tail light on my jeep). People who ace tests without studying. Not knowing.

Name: Junior Soprano
aka: Sammy the Bull

Height: 6 2''
Weight: 220
Hair Color: dark

Location: Changes
Schooling: College for my knowledge

Hobbies:Rappeling/Diving/Free diving/Spear fishing(scubba or tank)collecting shot guns/Archery(Fred Bear)/Backgammon/Betting/computer-security/Tennis/Golf/Choppers(West Coast Choppers)Beotch!!!!
Relationship Status:My girlfriend is a bitch(but i like her younger sister)
Favorite Food: Meadow soprano,Jessica Alba
Favorite Movie:Black Hawk Down(Remember our fallen RANGERS)

Favorite Music: Death Metal/Alice inChains/Nirvana......all kinds of Rave execpt jungle.
Dislikes: Democratic Party

name- chris
nickname - tierney
height- 6' exactly

weight - very patient thank you.
hair - wavy,spikey, brown. blonde. brown. brown w.blonde highlights, spikey sorta.
Eyes - deep blue
Location - Scotland. quote "If she takes anymore she'll blow."<- see spam mail for that cracker lol.
Age - 24
Hobbies - courting(meaning: appearing in court more often than the judge), swimming, soccer, flying, computers, sarcasm, driving, taking things appart to see how they work, trying to fix them, making money, bonds, share certificates anything my ink-jet can print up.(it used to be able to make turkish money but it devalued so fast that I was sole handedly supporting the turkish Ink-Jet manufacturers) and talking pure mince. (half the people I've give advice to on here are probably injured in some way.)

Relationship status - I talk pure mince most of the time what do you think? or still hunting.

fav music- the darkness stuff, red hot chillies, travis, coldplay, kylie, beatles, elton john & any kareoke songs

Education- self educated..I have a full lab in my head... and a Physics degree... And I have assisted the Stanford Uni Gravity B project. wooooooooo GL guys..
(I spotted an error in a document that prevented an international outcry..they spelled scotland wrong.) And they are the ones trying to prove that space-time is warped.

Favorite Movies, Shawshank redemption, flight of the navagator, The Matrix(only the original), Lord of the rings, the neverending story, star trek I-VII, Indiana Jones, James Bond..

Favorite TV shows - Friends, Scrubs, Star trek Voyager, Faulty towers, the simpsons.

fav puter games - Halo was not bad, Flight sim, reflex(spectrum game), Jetpac, taxi, max payne.

Stuff I dislike - Being hurt by someone I loved.

Why re-invent the wheel?
So you can see all that plus more over here

Nickname:Ronnie sausage
age: 31(from yesterday)
eyes: come to bed Blue
Hair: brown
High: 5.10
weight: 10.5
Location: England(NE)
Relationship: wife And 3girls(But no more me been under the knife :cry: )
Hobbies: only things that I can do properly
Music: Eminem,Electric Six,David Bowie Really lots of music
Fav Movies: Scary Movie1&3, All horrors.

Name: Kerry-Anne

Nickname: peterska2, KA

age: 23

eyes: Blue

Hair: brown

Height: 5.3 (and a half ;))

Location: England - The country (in Europe)

Relationship: boyfreind of 4 months - met online elsewhere

Hobbies: computers, music, sleep

Occupation: Healthcare worker and webmaster

Music: Pretty much anything, usually depends on the song. Am also into brass band stuff and Christian modern worship stuff.

Fav Movies: Bambi, Lion King, Tomb Raider, Harry Potter, Matrix, Fast and the Furious, Star Trek (all of them) and many many more

TV show: Football (English stuff what the Americans call 'soccer'), SG1, Occasional Coranation Street, Simpsons

Fav Food: Chocolate, anything really :)

Dislikes: When my PC goes on a wobbler, when my car breaks down, trolls, spammers, and pointless emails

Name: Tayler R.
Nickname: Tay-tor Tot, Bidda
age: 21
eyes: Brown
Hair: Dk Brwn (I think)
Height: 5'5"
Location: S-Town, Texas, US
Relationship: Engaged for 3yrs, going on 4
Hobbies: Computers, sleep, games, sleep...
Occupation: Teacher's assistant/Technical Assistant Guru (TAG)
Music: Pretty much anything, usually depends on the song.
Fav Movies: The Matrix (1-3), The Animal, 50 First Dates, Shrek, Anything
that is funny.
Fav. Games: Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Windwaker, DDR2, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy X and X-2
TV show: SMALLVILLE (all the way!), Simpsons, House of Mouse, DBZ,
Cowboy Bebop, Excel Saga.
Fav Food: Chocolate, Shrimp and Bacon Rolls, Teriyaki Chicken,
Dislikes: Getting my knees scraped, Hitting my head, not remembering what I
did a few minutes ago

Name: Tayler R.
Nickname: Tay-tor Tot, Bidda
age: 21
eyes: Brown
Hair: Dk Brwn (I think)
Height: 5'5"
Location: S-Town, Texas, US
Relationship: Engaged for 3yrs, going on 4
Hobbies: Computers, sleep, games, sleep...
Occupation: Teacher's assistant/Technical Assistant Guru (TAG)
Music: Pretty much anything, usually depends on the song.
Fav Movies: The Matrix (1-3), The Animal, 50 First Dates, Shrek, Anything
that is funny.
Fav. Games: Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Windwaker, DDR2, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy X and X-2
TV show: SMALLVILLE (all the way!), Simpsons, House of Mouse, DBZ,
Cowboy Bebop, Excel Saga.
Fav Food: Chocolate, Shrimp and Bacon Rolls, Teriyaki Chicken,
Dislikes: Getting my knees scraped, Hitting my head, not remembering what I
did a few minutes ago

Yay, another Anime fan. Ooh, I noticed you like to sleep too. Very cool.

Yeah, I know. It is kinda becoming a habit of mine. I hope to one day master the art of sleep. I wake up in the middle of the night at about 3 AM every night and stare at the clock for a breif second and then go back to bed. I wake up all tired and everything. I am still just an amature. I will learn sleep...
If there is a person in the world who does not like Anime (in some shape, form or fashion) I would like to meet that person and prove them wrong.

Note: This is not an invite to challenge me at all. It is just a saying. (please don't hurt me) *Coveres head with arms and crouches down*

If there is a person in the world who does not like Anime (in some shape, form or fashion) I would like to meet that person and prove them wrong.

I know lots of people. Well, actually, it's not even that they don't like it, it's that they won't even give it a chance. Why? Partly out of ignorance. They don't want to understand what it's all about. Most already think they do. They think it's "oh, just a cartoon; I can't take that seriously; it's for little kids..." When I hear that, it just drives me crazy. It's like saying "Computers are just a toy for little teens to share music and play MP3s. No good can come of it." It sounds pretty ignorant. You want to grab the person by the shoulders, sit them down, and explain to them the millions of reasons why they're wrong.

Too many ignorant people think it's for little kids. They can't see themselves watching it because they think it'll make them immature. I think the reason for this belief is due to Americanized versions of Anime. Americanized versions of Anime ARE for children. They filter out so much seriousness out of the original versions, all you get is handful of fudge. Anime such as Pokemon, Digimon, and others that have been marketed to death here in America give a wrong illusion of what Anime is to adults. This is quite sad. Some of the best stories I know come from Anime. Whether it's horror, melodrama, comedy; it has it all!

well im not goin to say im a huge fan of anime but i dont mind watching it once in awhile. as for the it being cartoon thing i dont see whats wrong with that i love cartoons they dont make you immature. some ppl jst need to realize that cartoons arent jst for kids anymore and actually started out for adults, cartoons are fun to watch. but im not saying anything bad about anime here so dont take this the wrong way :) i like some anime and i have a buddy who is a huge fan of anime and used to go to all sorts of cons :)

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