I am saurav chaudhury.I am a Pharmacist.I want to learn computor programming.

I am saurav chaudhury.I am a Pharmacist.I want to learn computor programming.

first of all you hvae to choose a language :( :) :cheesy:

so nicereading about u all

so nicereading about u all

hi all,my name is ishaku from jos,nigeria.hope we get to do alot together

Hello! Am long ago interested in the site. Checked it many times. Never posted until now.

Am particularly interested in setting up "Mail Server" in Win 2000 Server. Have site at:
www.CccComputerheaven.com which is under construction! As you can see there it needs considerable work. Mainly I want to talk with knowledgable people in working
forward. Have been five (5) years getting this far with self-help and he is a damn poor teacher! Lol

In addition to this I have DNS at ns1-ns4.afraid.org. Am told the the org and com are
creating slow operations because of "no glue" which I am not sure what to do about
Thanks, James Iles

This is saikat from creative writers. I just built a website & am gathering ideas for making it look good & optimised .
I am a tech guy by profession ...now into content & SEO services . I loved some of your tips on adsense ad placements come days back .
I am also using vbulletin for my forums & am still working to customise it .
So would require the esteem guidance of you people through this . Hope that you guys will help me out with this .

Name: Crystal
Height: 5'7''
Weight: 135
Hair: Auburn red
Eyes: green
Location: VA
Age: 28

Hobbies: I have 2 dogs, a golden retriever and a boxer. I like going to dog shows and showing my dogs. TV, movies, travelling, eating out, going out with my friends, etc.
Relationship Status: single

Fav Music: anything other than classical, heaving metal and hard core rap.

Education: BA in economics with minor in philosophy & religious studies. Classes in web development and current class in ASP.

Work: I have been working fulltime as a web design, developer and project manager since 2000. I'm the webmaster for a retail company. Our current website is developed in classic ASP with some .Net components. We are considering moving totally over to .Net next year, but for now we are still using the ASP site.

Favorite Food: Pizza, chocolate, nachos

Favorite Movies: The New Guy, Malibu's Most Wanted, Ghostbusters, Labyrinth, Interview with a Vampire, Queen of the Damned, Pretty Woman, Dirty Dancing, Benny & June, The Terminal, Forest Gump, John Q, The Wedding Singer, Happy Gilmore, 50 First Dates, Independence Day, Star Trek 4 The Voyage Home, Star Trek Generations, Star Trek: Insurrection, The Client, Back To The Future Trilogy, The original Star Wars Trilogy, Young Guns 1 & 2, the Leathal Weapon movies, and of course the Harry Potter movies

Favorite TV Shows: General Hospital, One Life to Live, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Carnivale (which is not going to have a new season :-( ), Deadwood, Boston Legal, Desperate Housewifes, American Idol, Foresic Files, Animal Cops, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Family Guy, King of the Hill, Robot Chicken, Inside the NFL, Grey's Anatomy, Bones

Favorite Miniseries: Into The West

Favorite Video Games: Everquest 2, but I haven't had time to play in nearly a year.

Stuff you Dislike: being burned out from working all the time, dishonesty, getting up early, stupidity

Welcome to the forum, Chrystal :)

Hi....i am Ibnu Asad from Malaysia..i've come accrossed this 4um on Google...

I like this site..lots of interesting stuff...you Rock!!

age : 16 years

nickname : dfkjgfdghfi;oghfd;oig :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
sorry it is salah

think you :)

This thread was created before the Community Introductions forum existed. This thread is now being closed to encourage each member to create their own thread about themselves.

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