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Application, web developer

Reading war novels and court room thrillers
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117 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for Duki
Member Avatar for Randy001

I am currently programming for a touch screen terminal. I use ASP.NET (vb) and the terminal does not care what language I use. Your touch is as good as a click! So not to worry, I think you should concentrate on delivering the product, touchscreen or no, you would not …

Member Avatar for Brian_8
Member Avatar for sk8ndestroy14

[quote=joshSCH;378105]793 lol.. idk, I just assumed that we were counting to negative infinity.. might take a while though..[/quote] 713 About when did this countdown start? Looks quite interesting

Member Avatar for cproger
Member Avatar for The Dude

[quote=~s.o.s~;372943]Here are some:[/quote] That was pretty good, man. I like the superman stuff too. Never heard any of it before.

Member Avatar for Ene Uran
Member Avatar for tirumal

You have to indicate what type of command you are using. This could be got from the Indicate that it is text and not a storedproc or others. It should work. Get back if it doesn't :)

Member Avatar for raficomps
Member Avatar for pygmalion

[quote=WaltP;368181]I had that at one time... Here's something I found back in the 80's: ======================================== [B][I]Creators Admit Unix, C Hoax[/I][/B] In an announcement that has stunned the computer industry, Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie and Brian Kernighan admitted that the Unix operating system and C programming language created by them is …

Member Avatar for WolfShield
Member Avatar for kalyanapu

tuse, your online test solution looks interesting. I had downloaded a copy and was wondering which version of vs did you use for development. v2 or 3.0?

Member Avatar for nirajs
Member Avatar for Duki

It's understandable that men are more from the statistics shown. I would really like to see more ladies in this business! I am male!

Member Avatar for dream party
Member Avatar for jamello

I would like a table cell to act as my hyperlink. What I have currently is a hyperlink embedded in a table cell, hence it is only when the exact underlined hyperlink text is clicked that the url is obeyed. But not when you click anywhere else. [e.g <tr><td><a>clickMe …

Member Avatar for dennisrivers2
Member Avatar for The Dude

Hey People (Boys and Girls, Male and Female)! Let's not get into a FIGHT about the 'appropriateness' of FIGHTing in public no matter the gender of people involved. Bottomline: Fighting (fisticuffs) is not the right thing to do no matter which gender is involved. It should not be encouraged whether …

Member Avatar for coloradoboy2
Member Avatar for jagsar2323

Hey!, I believe what the kid wants is a skeletal idea of what it is all about. Maybe what obtains in the industry and the language of choice and/or coding standards to achieve such feats. It might set him in the right frame of mind:-/ [quote=jwenting;347117]banks spend millions to develop …

Member Avatar for gietbo
Member Avatar for jamello

Hello experts! Please how do I display markup text (in html) with a 3.0 server control? I have a database full of markup text inputted using a richtext control. but I will like to display these text using other controls that would render the text correctly with the …

Member Avatar for jamello
Member Avatar for jamello

Hello experts! Please how do I display markup text (in html) with a 3.0 server control? I have a database full of markup text inputted using a rich text control. but I will like to display these text using other controls that would render the text correctly with …

Member Avatar for snostar

Yes, U definitely can. And it is very easy. Just open your project as an active X dll project and you are on your way! Of course you have to be certain what you want to do.

Member Avatar for eladkarako
Member Avatar for Dani

[quote=jiruiz78;390572]you can call them DEVIGNERS! (developers / designers)[/quote] I am a DEVIGNER too. web development and design.

Member Avatar for anuj_sharma
Member Avatar for ragheshpokkattu

[quote=ragheshpokkattu;399728]Hi Anyone know how to correct a currupted database using vb code? Please help me out to solve........[/quote] Have you tried doing this manually?

Member Avatar for Davidpoul
Member Avatar for jamello

I have a challenge. I need to provide a solution that would enable me capture images of occupants of several motor vehicles scattered around a geographical area. These images could be still images or video transmitted over the web to my server in my headquaters. I can program in JSP, …

Member Avatar for jamello
Member Avatar for John A

The point is that the ipod helped in saving the soldiers life. It was said that the ipod helped "slowdown" the bullet. ;)

Member Avatar for jamello
Member Avatar for UrbanKhoja

America! I am glad for all you folks out there! Your country is a beacon of light to a world desperately in need of it. I thank God for those early founding fathers. What would the world be like if they did not heed the call or faltered on their …

Member Avatar for Ene Uran
Member Avatar for jamello

Hi there folks! Please could anyone tell me how I can disable the underline of a hyperlink button server control of datagrid and similar controls ? I had used the following css code on the ItemStyle-CssClass which works for traditional hyperlinks to no avail. Thanks for the help:) [CODE] .tablecellhyperlinks …

Member Avatar for mIssy_ricco
Member Avatar for ithelp

[quote=w_3rabi;363249]who said that is replacing PHP ?? do u know that php is the most language used for web dev[/quote] I think the guy acceeds to this fact! that's why he used the word "replacing". php is relatively old and is relatively "young" or "new" if you like:cool: …

Member Avatar for jimkarlo
Member Avatar for jamello

I have a feeling this question is an age long one. Please forgive me:D I have IIS and Apache on my computer. Apache would refuse to run unless I stop IIS. I had tried changing the default port number of Apache from 80 to 8080 in the httpd.conf file but …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for vnnguy

hello guys! I am also a newbie in php. I installed XAMPP installer on my machine and followed the instructions as closely as I could (it was written in english language! lol). I could get my apache, mysql servers up and running with the appropriate test page. but it would …

Member Avatar for jamello
Member Avatar for jamello

hello smartheads! I am currently investigating the extent of adoption of mono by the different flavours of linux OS. I am aware that opensuse and ubuntu are favourably disposed to mono but what I cannot ascertain is wheher RedHat linux has adopted/implemented mono. I keep getting conflicting reports:confused: . I …

Member Avatar for jamello
Member Avatar for samycbe

If the intention is only to make the textbox accept only numeric values, just very simply use the Isnumeric function. that is [CODE] if not Isnumeric(textbox.text) then 'do stuff like forcing retyping of content end if [/CODE] Hope this helps.

Member Avatar for nil
Member Avatar for jamello

how do I send a text file to a printer connected to the client's computer. I have a app. running currently with internet explorer only browsers. I constructed some texts based on the inputs from the user and need to (a) save it on the client file system (b) …

Member Avatar for sreenivas.sudha
Member Avatar for jamello

Let me first of all wish everybody a very happy new year!:) I have a present challenge and would like suggestions from you great guys. I have an aspx web form where I have manually added a wizard control. I then attempted to add the wizard steps dynamically i.e add …

Member Avatar for jamello
Member Avatar for mayo_tech11

[quote=lasher511;388511]Here is a Picture of the Childrens version of the book[/quote] I have serious reservations about harry potters' books. One could read it but for the depth of incantations and voodoo/magic involved. Yes, Yes it is fiction, but one wonders whether those things written about in such detail are sincerely …

Member Avatar for techbound
Member Avatar for daletonge

The error stems from the parameter you are passing. It stems from either of the following: 1)Try casting the text box contents to integer before actual passing and see what the result will be. It is reporting that the contents of the text box is not a valid integer datatype. …

Member Avatar for gunso4050
Member Avatar for jamello

Howdy there my people! I have a pretty 'thorny' issue I have been battling with for some time now and I am really hoping that with expert-eye-a-plenty in this forum the challenge is a done deal. It really beats me hollow why a control which I downloaded free from the …

Member Avatar for jamello

The End.