Hello all,
Now I know in an ideal world creating a new website would involve a designer and a developer who work together to come up with a solution, but for (i'm guessing) most of us you have to do both jobs. My question is, what do you look at first? (other then the overall picture). For me I generally always start with a layout and design first before I fit the functionality around it, but often I find myself constantly changing my designs. When I do finally do the coding (normally in PHP) I can speed along quite quickly and the code is mostly re-usable (i.e. I can then redesign the site and dynamic bits will still work or I can use them in a new site). The hard part I often find is getting started on coding as I always want to get a clear picture of the site and design first even though I constantly change things. So where do you start? I'm beginning to think I may start coding first but just have a structure for class and id names, then I can change the design as much as I like. Ideally I think I should probably do the code without any classes and styles attached (I am beginning to lean more this way with OO) but this is not always possible with complex designs.
What's everyone elses thoughts?
btw when I say coding i mean the dynamic stuff in php etc. and not the css and html coding as I consider that part of the 'design' side.