
I am useing one of my website for short cut icon. Its working fine in mozilla, but not in internet explorer can any one suggestion what mistake i did. My code is <link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="http://www.focusmt.com/images/myicon.ico"/> Thanks in advance...

Why do you use absolute link for icon ?

Try this: <link rel="shortcut icon" href="images/myicon.ico" /> :)

dn to its not working. I want to be show in internet explorer also.

Are you trying to put the icon on a link to a web page, or download the icon to the user's computer?

To use the icon as a button to link to a website, do this:

<a href="website.htm"><img src="pic.ico" /></a>

i dont think your ICO is a proper icon how did you create/convert it?

I have created new site, and favicon doesn't work on IE6 neither me. It's poor browser. :)

I have created new site, and favicon doesn't work on IE6 neither me. It's poor browser. :)

the file is not an icon i have downloaded it and checked it.

use a converter such as http://www.favicon.co.uk/ to convert an image file such as a gif into an icon this will then work.

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