
Does anyone have a simple and effective fix for ie6's inability to view images with transparent backgrounds?

I've tried Microsoft's fix but it doesn't fix it - it is highly possible that I am doing something wrong but I followed their instructions. Either way I just wondered what other methods were around, I don't normally need to use transparency but I have a site in progress that simply can't do without them!

Thanks in advance.


What about using a gif instead?

Its pretty simple to do with a little js. But i won't be spoon feeding you. Visit the URL below.


Read a bit... and intergrate. Best way to learn is to practice. If you stuck, just ask.

Thanks hi2japan, I wish it were that simple. The issue is the transparent backround in ie6, file extension wouldn't fix despite my hoping otherwise :) Appreciate the suggestion tho!

Thanks Macneato, I'm about to look at the site you posted now. Be assured, spoon feeding is not desired nor required. Appreciate your assistance :).


MAybe a little late to the party... but are you wanting some form of "opaqueness" in the image (such as a drop shadow that can be partially seen through)?

If not, save the png with index transparency, as it's Alpha transparency that IE struggles with.

Alpha image filter should be able to be used in CSS files as well as in the main document as well, which means if it's part of the "design" (rather than the content), then you can slap that in.

MAybe a little late to the party... but are you wanting some form of "opaqueness" in the image (such as a drop shadow that can be partially seen through)?

If not, save the png with index transparency, as it's Alpha transparency that IE struggles with.

Alpha image filter should be able to be used in CSS files as well as in the main document as well, which means if it's part of the "design" (rather than the content), then you can slap that in.

Yeah, I'm trying to use a shadowed logo. I have tried using png8 alpha transparency which does eliminate the issue of the greyish box, but unfortunatey it is not just slightly jagged with the shadow removed as a normal image would be, it's totaly jagged to the point it is horrid. When I use this with a normal image it's usable but not with the shadow.

Didn't want to have to use a js solution, but it appears I may have to until ie6 finally gets put out of its misery and buried somewhere far far away!

Thanks heaps for the help :)

Well, if you send a link to the site, I'll pop in and have a look.
sometimes it's possible to "re-organise" a little to avoid the problem anyway.

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