Hi everyone,
I have some questions about building a certain website. Please bear with me as i am not vey good at building sites.
You see i need to build a site that only has a logo of a company some bold text and a few files to download. The thing is where do i put these files at.
For example if my website address is at "http://www.free.com" i want to be able to put files at a separate server at some other address and not the same as the above address. What i mean is like for example free hosting is a place where i can place my website for free but is there a place where i can place my files(something like yahoo briefcase) for free and can be accessed without the need for any kind of user authentication.
Now let's say person goes to my site
and sees a file to download and when he clicks on that link the file can be downloaded immediately by the browser.
Here's another question in that can anyone recommend any free wesite creator something like microsoft's front page but free. Any links would be great
It would be also great if someone could post some good links to some free web hosting and a free place to put some of files for download(i know there is a name for this but i don't know what they call it)
I hope someone can answer my questions
Thank You
Yours Sincerely
Richard West