Please check this link:

For some reason on Firefox sometimes the background images of the tables do not load. Upon refresh they will be there. My backgrounds are loaded via css in a seperate file. I have tested both the code and the css at w3 and both are valid. So why is this happening and how can I fix it?

Here is a sshot of what it looks like when it doesn't load right.

If I hard code the background = into the table it loads fine. But then the code would not be valid. But if I cannot get the css to load this correctly in all browsers, I may have to go that route.

Thanks for looking.

Works Fine For Me (Firefox 1.0)

Thats what I am hearing so far. For every 5 firefox users, it seems 2 it has this issue and 3 it doesn't. I am on firefox 1.0 as well and it happens every time I load the site fresh with a clear cache. Then I refresh and everything loads ok.

I've seen this a couple of times before. Once I was able to fix the problem by removing "width=100%" from a lot of the tables and td tags the user had. The other time, this didn't fix the problem.

I've seen this a couple of times before. Once I was able to fix the problem by removing "width=100%" from a lot of the tables and td tags the user had. The other time, this didn't fix the problem.

I could try that. Taking out all table attributes hard coded and do it via css. Will give that a try.

It worked fine for me

Found out what it was. it was some changes I made in the config of Firefox. The loading and cache was messing everything up.

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