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Richter: Die Monster! You don't belong in this world! Dracula: It was not by my hand, that I am once again given flesh. I was called here by humans, who wish to pay me tribute! Richter: TRIBUTE! You steal men's souls and make them your slaves! Dracula:…
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1,372 Posted Topics
Re: Have you played with the internal printer object, or printer collection? What you can do, is set the printer to a different index of the printer collection (behaves more like an array). An example would be: [CODE] ' /* Set The Printer To the First Printer In the OS */ … | |
Re: so, the usernames and passwords are stored in an access database? | |
Re: Like, by having all the images side by side? If you can give me a better description, I can see what I can do. | |
Re: Ah.... You are posting VB.NET code in the VB 4/5/6 Forum. | |
Re: It's not. There are things happening in that code that VB can't replicate the same way pascal does it's thing. If you give me a stronger idea of what the program is doing (the entire program) then I might be able to get a feel for how to restructure it … | |
Re: varname=xlsheet.Cells(1, 1).value? | |
Re: Let's try not to post to threads that are almost a year old....mkay? | |
Re: Basically, you can use the system command: [CODE] system("c:\somepath\some.exe"); [/CODE] or you can use backticks, such as: [CODE] `c:\somepath\some.exe`; [/CODE] And yet another solution is to use the open command: [CODE] open(FH, "c:\somepath\some.exe |"); close(FH); [/CODE] | |
Re: There has been a lot of talk about getting QBasic to run on XP, with no luck.....however, someone had uploaded a file that mixed a couple of the needed programs to make it work....umn: thread: [url]http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/thread798.html[/url] download: [url]http://divminds.250free.com/index.html[/url] | |
Re: in a module: [CODE]' /* Code Taken From: http://forums.devx.com/showthread.php?t=148627 */ Public Declare Function GetOpenFileName Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias "GetOpenFileNameA" (pOpenfilename As OPENFILENAME) As Long Public Type OPENFILENAME lStructSize As Long hwndOwner As Long hInstance As Long lpstrFilter As String lpstrCustomFilter As String nMaxCustFilter As Long nFilterIndex As Long lpstrFile As String … | |
Re: I don't exactly know what an RM Network is... but, If the File doesn't require installation, you can see if it will run .vbs files... [CODE] dim WSH set WSH = createobject("WScript.Shell") WSH.Run "c:\somepath\someprog.exe" [/CODE] Does the system allow access to any programs at all? | |
Re: WaltP is correct. You can also call functions, events and methods this way too. For example, if you have a button on form2, and you want to "click" it from a button on form1, you can do something like [INLINECODE]form2.command1 = true[/INLINECODE]. | |
Re: Why export it to notepad, and then copy/paste into excel, when you could have the VB program automatically add it to excel? -------------------------------------------------- replace [inlinecode]lineoftext = join[/inlinecode] with this: [code]lineoftext = txtname.text & "," & txtpos.text & "," & txtcname.text & "," & DateTimePickerdoc.Value.ToShortDateString[/code] | |
Re: There is a couple of solutions.... one is to put the picture in the same folder as the VB EXE that is going to be running it. And then use the code [CODE] form1.picture = app.path & "\picturename.jpg" [/CODE] Another alternative, is to use a picturebox.... and set it's attributes … | |
Re: [QUOTE=|\|asrin;784810]HELLO Can sombody tell me how can i chang the color of concol background????[/QUOTE] HELLO... can someone tell me how I can get people to quit posting on ancient old threads? | |
Re: In the properties toolbox on the left (by default) find the "icon" property, and change it to the path and filename of the .ICO file you want to use.... | |
Re: you could use a picture box, and then load the picture with: [CODE] picture1.Picture = LoadPicture("c:\scans\101.tiff") [/CODE] Then you have to get a little more complicated, and do something with the printer... so you can say: [CODE]const twipfactor = 1440 picture1.autoredraw = false printer.paintpicture picture1.picture, 1400, 2040 [/CODE] Ok, paintpicture … | |
Re: [QUOTE=CanadianBlue]Boy do I feel foolish. [code] Sheets("Name of sheet").Select Sheets(index).Select [/code] Dont code while tired kids, makes you do some crazy things.[/QUOTE] That's how you change the active sheet. | |
Re: I have installed a game on a DVD before.... the results were uh..... well, less than desireable. | |
Re: [QUOTE=hu_yang;776401]you can find here a Crystal Reports step by step help [url]http://vb.net-informations.com/crystal-report/vb.net_crystal_reports_tutorials.htm[/url] yang.[/QUOTE] Check the date that the last post was posted.... you think they need help with this [b]NOW?[/b] | |
Re: An IRC Bot is a fun one to build...... or a web server. You could build an MP3 player, or a program to keep track of business information, such as clients, employees, accounts, etc. Another fun one, would be to build a web spider..... | |
Re: *Mumbles something about under-rated satire appreciation* | |
Re: Setting The Listbox to have multiple columns will not work the way you expect it to. Having a Mult-Column listbox will only show both columns, when the length of the first column is full. To illustrate this, start a new project, and drop a listbox on it. Change it's columns … | |
Re: you can make it run in the background by merely hiding the form. If you stick a timer on the form, then you can have it cycle to do something every so often. In the form load's procedure just add: [CODE] me.visible = false [/CODE] | |
Re: [url]http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/showthread.php?t=17352&highlight=timer[/url] That Should Help Some! ;) | |
Re: Are you sure the command button is named properly? Maybe attach the entire project as a zip? | |
Re: It's possible that you are trying to create an instance of a class (an object) from a class that is present on the machines you tested it on, but not on the machine it's been deployed to..... for example, I happen to know that I can make a VB program … | |
Re: Since you didn't really specify.... [code=cplusplus]#include <fstream> using namespace std; int main(int argc, char **argv) { fstream fin; std::string excel_file = "c:\myfile.xls"; fin.open(excel_file.c_str(), ios::in); if (fin.is_open()) { // excel file is opened fin.close(); } else { cout << "Failed To Open File" << endl; } }[/code] Although, I bet you … | |
Re: Her last post regarding the project was Dec 30th 2004, I bet she's finished with it by now. |
The End.