61 Topics

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Member Avatar for Britxexelon
Member Avatar for [NOPE]FOREVER

1. Is QBasic a language for beginners? 2. How is it different to modern languages like c#? 3. What kind of development is it best suited for?

Member Avatar for Hiroshe
Member Avatar for Khishin

I downloaded QBASIC 4.5 onto a Windows XP computer, and placed it into C:\QBASIC\. When I try to run QB.EXE though, I get the error: C:\QBASIC\QB.EXE Invalid startup directory, please check your pif file. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application. What do I do here?

Member Avatar for mechbas
Member Avatar for krackhead

im taking a qbasic class and am having a very hard time on this program...here is the question: Using the ASCII table and the CHR$ function, write a program that prints the following output using a nested for next loop: A AB ABC ABCD ABCDE -------------------------------------------------------------------- heres what I have …

Member Avatar for limpstarfish.flavouredwater
Member Avatar for Ann95

Is there a way on how to integrate QBasic into VB program? What is/are the process to do it if possible? Anyone who can help me. Thanks!

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for logamuthu

I have been using Qbasic 1.1 in MS DOS 6.22 PCs upto P4. In view of the changing hardware scenerio, I wish to migrate to VB inside Windows 7 32 bit machines. Should i rewrite all code in VB or can I import .bas files created in Qbasic 1.1 into …

Member Avatar for logamuthu
Member Avatar for grylionxdj

For next loop in qbasic? hey i am taking a beginner's course in programming and i have been asked to tackle this question using the for loop its like i have to write a program that will print the numbers as follows.. 1 12 123 1234 12345 123456 how can …

Member Avatar for Unseen Machine
Member Avatar for searchfgold6789

Hi. I am posting here because I thought maybe you guys could help me with a QBasic thing. I am trying to make educational software in Qbasic, namely a quiz creator software. I will have the Questions and quiz answers in files on the hard disk. How do I print …

Member Avatar for Rich_ch47
Member Avatar for peternrose

My QBASIC programs do not run under Windows XP. Specifically, LPRINT does nothing. I have spent a lot of time & effort over the past 15 years programming in QBASIC with lots of useful and profitable programs. I really do not want to start over with Visual Basic unless there …

Member Avatar for nokki
Member Avatar for paul2594

I recently updated my system to XP-2 with a pentium III. I have a number of qbasic programs I developed to use in my hobbies and lo and behold, I can't print to my usb port. The programs run okay. I should think this is a problem that has been …

Member Avatar for nokki
Member Avatar for esdel

I got XP to run QB by trial and error, messing with its bootup files But with Vista there seems to be no way I have 30 yeatrs of QB progs at stake here! Many thanks esdel B

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for vegaseat

One more look at BCX basic code to show the qbasic programmers how they can modernize. This shows a function that converts an integer value to a binary string. Notice that with BCX basic you need to declare your variables. Makes the code a little easier to read too. Variable, …

Member Avatar for Tom Pilk

This is a little program in QBasic which counts the number of characters in a string. Made by Buff - two errors removed by me. Thanks Buff.

Member Avatar for rhenerlau
Member Avatar for hughv

I'm not at all sure where to put this question. It's been a long tine since I messed with basic, and I'm not a programmer of any kind. I got interested in a method for calculating the Golden mean, and I'm hoping some kind soul will point me in the …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for palpha

I hope this is the correct forum I am converting some qbasic to vba and have come undone. The qbasic lines - FOR I = 1 TO A IF B(I) > 0 THEN PRINT "("; C(I); "="; D(I); ")"; END IF NEXT I screen prints the values for SLENGTH and …

Member Avatar for palpha
Member Avatar for OboroNinja

I wanna share with my friends but they dun have QBasic on thier comp. Ill put my programs on a floppy disc an give it to em but i cant figure out how to make them able to run without the actual QBasic program. It gets so frustrating! :evil:

Member Avatar for JRB6478@ATT.NET
Member Avatar for maafipau

The problem is I am not very educated in Qbasic and my teacher has given me a project of making a hangman game. But I don't know how to so please I need your help. I need a simple hangman game with figure of a hanging man using line and …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for bstylez

If a person composes a short program and hit's F5 or "run" the output will fit on the viewers screen. I have composed a long program for homework purposes, and once I hit F5 or "run" I do not see the WHOLE program output. Only the bottom half. By hitting …

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Member Avatar for linux

Sorry if this belongs elsewhere, it's BASIC, so VB is the closest. (By the way, long time no post for me, I'm back, yay) Okay. I'm writing a game (a SRPG) in QBASIC (wicked leet, huh?) so that my friends can edit it and crap (I know other languages, but …

Member Avatar for gugus
Member Avatar for dprescott01

I am a self taught VB programmer and have been coding vb for about 9 years. I took a VB course at a community college as a requirement. The class did teach some fundamentals and was great exposure, however, even w/ an A avg. I was no programmer after the …

Member Avatar for dprescott01
Member Avatar for giriraj

Dear all i am using QBasic language in DOS plateform i.e. in CUI mode. No w i want to upload the jpeg file format picture. Pls help me if you have any idea or code in QBasic . Thank you Giriraj

Member Avatar for JRB6478@ATT.NET
Member Avatar for <1337>Me</1337>

I know I probably shouldn't be posting this here...but it's one of the most populated boards. Anyways, I was wondering if Qbasic can be used for anything other than a basic input/output program.:?:

Member Avatar for technogeek_42
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

I'm really supprised no [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mal6XbN5cEg"]one has posted this[/URL]! I didn't find it but got the link from mattireland at [URL="http://www.programmingforums.org/thread14717.html"]PFO[/URL]

Member Avatar for scru
Member Avatar for klrdn

I copied qbasic.exe and qbasic.hlp (no way to tell the version ?) from my Dos 6 Install floppy into a folder. Qbasic.exe executes ok either from within or outside the folder, but can't access its help file. I used the qbasic options 'help path' tab to enter the correct path …

Member Avatar for klrdn
Member Avatar for subtronic

I find it interesting that QBASIC is mentioned for several reasons: 1. This language and any of its predacessors are hardly used these days. And, if they are, it's most likely for nostalgic reasons. At one time, I remember, some schools used it for introductory programming courses. For a time, …

Member Avatar for menonsr
Member Avatar for desanti

Hi: i don't know if i am in the right forum or not.if i am not please direct me to the proper one.i am trying to use qbasic in the above os. i migrated from win98se to winxp. i constanly get an error 76 "path not found".the program will work …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for olaolu

Hello! Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How do I print in QBasic. I have tried opening it (the program code) in note/word pad but it comes out in funny characters. What can I do?? Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks.

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Member Avatar for Dragon Lontar

I am currently enrolled in a QBASIC class, where we use QBASIC 4.5 in a Windows XP environment. But for some reason, I am unable to get them to work properly at home. Specifically, my screen seems to only allow enough vertical room for a LOCATE to reach about 22 …

Member Avatar for indienick
Member Avatar for Tom Pilk

Does anyone know how to play an already made midi file in QBasic? I have downloaded several peoples programs but they do not seem to work. Does anyone know of any code to play a midi file? Thanks TP :mrgreen:

Member Avatar for gummo
Member Avatar for sajo69

HI, I am a new person to the forum and also a pretty new person to coding. I am having difficulty with an assignment and need some direction. Here's the problem: I'm a car sales person who is giving discounts on certain styles and years of cars. In my 2D …

Member Avatar for Codeflunky

The End.