I wanna share with my friends but they dun have QBasic on thier comp. Ill put my programs on a floppy disc an give it to em but i cant figure out how to make them able to run without the actual QBasic program. It gets so frustrating! :evil:

The short answer is: You can't.

The long answer is:
You can distribute QB along with the program, and use the command "qbasic /run program name"

Also, if you have QB 4.5, you can compile it. Unfortunately, QB 4.5 isn't available for download legally (AFAIK) and cannot be purchased anywhere.

I wanna share with my friends but they dun have QBasic on thier comp. Ill put my programs on a floppy disc an give it to em but i cant figure out how to make them able to run without the actual QBasic program. It gets so frustrating! :evil:

There are a few Basic compilers available. From here I see FreeBasic and xBasic

Also found firstbas and GLBCC. Check here, too.

I've been using PowerBasic for years, but it must be purchased.

Google is very helpful ;)

If you try a few of these compilers, please post your reactions to them -- do they work well, do you have to make coding changes, stuff like that.

The short answer is: You can't.

The long answer is:
You can distribute QB along with the program, and use the command "qbasic /run program name"

Also, if you have QB 4.5, you can compile it. Unfortunately, QB 4.5 isn't available for download legally (AFAIK) and cannot be purchased anywhere.

Sure you can, and I've found lots of stuff, like http://www.qbcafe.net and http://www.qbasic.com, as well as a lot of forums and sites dedicated to QBasic that I'm sure can point to more.

no, that's no longer QBasic.
There are compiled languages with a syntax similar to QBasic, some of them might even take simple QBasic programs verbatim, but they're not QBasic and you certainly can't take a .bas file and expect another computer to run it that is too modern to have qbasic.exe installed.

no, that's no longer QBasic.

Sometimes you have to bite the bullet and do a minor upgrade... And some of the links I posted are for QBasic compilers.

no, that's no longer QBasic.
There are compiled languages with a syntax similar to QBasic, some of them might even take simple QBasic programs verbatim, but they're not QBasic and you certainly can't take a .bas file and expect another computer to run it that is too modern to have qbasic.exe installed.

well that is not necessarily true. you can move the executable to a San Disk of a similar storage device and have accessibility of most of the features

It has been many years since I used Qbasic but, I know that b/c Qbasic is COMPILED the machine language, executable copy of the Qbasic code is on your machine, either hit enter after the compiled versions name at the DOS prompt or click on it in Windows.


John R. Baskette
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology/MIS.
The University of Texas, Arlington

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