I have the following problem:

2 years ago I did a Qbasic program which calculated a graphic, show this graphic on the screen and then the graphic is sended to Printer.

The statement I used was << SHELL "prtscr.exe" >> where ptrscr.exe y a program which capture the screen and send the data screen to the Printer. Now, under Windows XP the program does not work and I dont know why? I was thinking about updating the DOS command Graphics Graphic but I dont know if it is in Windows XP.

Another thing I would like to know is how can I decompile the Turbo Pascal "printscr.exe" program in order to implement it in qbasic.

Thank you

There was another post located here [thread]636[/thread] regarding the same question. It turns out that QBASIC is a 16-bit language, just like Windows 3.1 was. Windows 95 and above were 32-bit with 16-bit support. Starting with Windows XP, however, Microsoft has decided to strip the 16-bit support. Therefore, your Qbasic programs unfortunately won't be able to run in WindowsXP. The only option, unfortunately, is to perhaps migrate over to Visual Basic 6 or Visual Basic.NET

I have nearly no problem using qbasic in win xp, I simply load command prompt then qb.exe, and occassionaly it would freeze up, but since I changed the memory 'properties' of qb.exe to allow protected memory it works just fine, I can't see why you have a problem.

I have this EXACT same problem. I'd like to know what you changed in the memory properties to allow the program to work. I need to use this qbasic program for a school project. Your input would be greatly appreciated. Thanx! :)

get another school, one that uses something that's remotely modern.

The problem arose in Mid Nov last when Gates (probably without asking you) downloaded a "fix" that (among other things) killed off your BASIC progs for good.

If you were lucky enough to miss this download, the stop ALL downloads now and your basic will continue to run (except in graphics screen 13)

get another school, one that uses something that's remotely modern.

I am very sorry for you!
And if you really want to go crazy, try Visual Basic - which does nothing Basic didn't do but enmeshes you in a inextricable web of jargon-nonsense to do it!

Thank you very much mrwhy and cscgal for your input. I've told my teacher about it and he and I are going to either work around it or use it as an idea to customize windows xp and put in 16-bit again as a project. Once again Thank you very much!!!

THERE!!! Under recent study one member on this site suggested using DOSBox. I've combined both DOSBox-0.63 and QBasic 4.5 together to create QBasicXP. It works PERFECTLY! I have only one problem with it. The help file that tells u the codes is not working but as long as u know the codes or if u can get a tutorial from somewhere else you will be fine. Here is the link


I have the following problem:

2 years ago I did a Qbasic program which calculated a graphic, show this graphic on the screen and then the graphic is sended to Printer.

The statement I used was << SHELL "prtscr.exe" >> where ptrscr.exe y a program which capture the screen and send the data screen to the Printer. Now, under Windows XP the program does not work and I don?t know why? I was thinking about updating the DOS command Graphics Graphic but I don?t know if it is in Windows XP.

Another thing I would like to know is how can I decompile the Turbo Pascal "printscr.exe" program in order to implement it in qbasic.

Thank you

See my new thread "How to run Qbasic and Dos under windows XP

(I spent a few hours trying to find the right IDIOT button to start a new thread as this is DOS AS WELL AS QBAS and the other basics.)

I have discovered what Gates did (Nov 2004, his fix called SP2) to stop all applications like QBASIC working.

What he did is deleted autoexec.nt

Replace it and those DOS programs he sabotaged now work fine again, and it is so easy to do:

What you put in it hardly matters. What matters is SOMETNG is there, and he deleted it!

So do this:
Launch Notepad (or Wordpad) and on the screen it provides, type in


followed by pressing Enter (carriage return)

Then save this as file c:\windows\system32\autoexec.nt.

On Notepad you may need to put the filename in quotes – or it may save your @ECHO OFF as a file called Autoexec.nt.txt

If you do this and it still does not work, reopen autoexec.nt and add the following lines:

1h %SystemRoot%\system32\mscdexnt.exe
1h %SystemRoot%\system32\redir
1h %SystemRoot%\system32\dosx
SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 P330 T3

THERE!!! Under recent study one member on this site suggested using DOSBox. I've combined both DOSBox-0.63 and QBasic 4.5 together to create QBasicXP. It works PERFECTLY! I have only one problem with it. The help file that tells u the codes is not working but as long as u know the codes or if u can get a tutorial from somewhere else you will be fine. Here is the link


How do you get rid of the "pop-up"?(for want of a better word) that happens every time you try to start a program which makes it impossible to read anything where the "pop-up" occupies space. Otherwise as someone new to QBASIC, I like what I see and thank you for the hyperlink(&download).

How do you get rid of the "pop-up"?(for want of a better word) that happens every time you try to start a program which makes it impossible to read anything where the "pop-up" occupies space. Otherwise as someone new to QBASIC, I like what I see and thank you for the hyperlink(&download).

I'm sorry but what exactly do you mean by "pop up"? Like when you run the program that you have created? (Usually just a black screen) If thats the case and you cannot exit the program, try pressing Ctrl +Break. I've updated QBasicXP so it now boots into a fullscreen with double buffering. I'm currently working on setting a permanent path for the QB45QCK.hlp file (Help File). I should have every bug worked out by March 10th. Anyone questions that need immediate response just email me at t0p_gunner@yahoo.ca

Never mind, think I figured it out and apologize for posting. Looking forward to your posting the update( as I need all the help I can get and am looking forward to be able to call it up if needed)

wow!!! Too much headache...
but.. congratulation....for all those solutions...


hrmm I'm having quite a bit of difficulty with this Perminent Help Path Soooooo... I'm going to move on to someone elses idea of replacing autoexec.nt. I will post a program on the same site that does this separately. It will create a duplicate Autoexec.nt in the system32 folder and install QBasic v4.5. (Warning!! - I Have Not Done Any Testing On This Autoexec.nt So I'm Going to Go Through A few tests to be safe! Otherwise I will post the program at your own risk. I doubt there are any problems but then again these are system files we are dealing with so better safe then sorry :) ) Anyway I'll Keep you guys informed on the testing and progress. The Update will still take place March 10th.

I'm sorry but what exactly do you mean by "pop up"? Like when you run the program that you have created? (Usually just a black screen) If thats the case and you cannot exit the program, try pressing Ctrl +Break. I've updated QBasicXP so it now boots into a fullscreen with double buffering. I'm currently working on setting a permanent path for the QB45QCK.hlp file (Help File). I should have every bug worked out by March 10th. Anyone questions that need immediate response just email me at t0p_gunner@yahoo.ca

I have a second question for that. Normally, to exit a "never-ending loop" you would press ctrl+break. That doesn't seem to work for your program. If you could fix that, it'd be highly appreciated =D.

Other than that, great job! I've been trying for a while to get QBasic running on my XP and finally it worked. :cheesy:

Why does Qbasic run so slow on XP for me?

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