Cardinal 0 Newbie Poster


My project is due tommorrow, I am stuck at this error which i have no clue. I have tried all my best to understand what is its cause but couldn't. I really need help.
All I am saying is if you can explain why its doing this.

We are trying to read processes, it sucessufully stores every process and its size and location. But what it dose is that when it reads the new process and i am trying to store every process using seprate objects[ object] of structure. It changes its name to the next process. e.g process[j] and process[j-1] and process[j-2] are getting the same names.
It deals with only function [ readFile & insert ].
I couldn't understand why?

What projetc does is that we read all these processes enter them and exit them and do memory management through first-fit or worst-fit.

***input file***
Editor Enter 100
Enroll Enter 300
Scheduler Enter 100
Editor Exit 100

***Source Code****

#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>

#define TRUE  1
#define FALSE 0
#define ZERO  0
#define ONE   1
#define TWO   2
#define THREE 3
#define FOUR  4
#define FIVE  5

void readingArguments&#40; int argc, char *&#91;FIVE&#93; &#41;;
void readFile&#40; ifstream & &#41;;
void swapObject&#40; int j &#41;;
void swapBack&#40; int &#41;;
void insert&#40; char *, int &#41;;
void Delete&#40; char* &#41;;

int totalMemory;
int operatingSystem;
int firstFit;
int worstFit;
int i = 1;

struct memoryList&#123;
   int size;
   int location;
   char *name;
&#125; object&#91;100&#93;;

void main&#40; int argc, char * argv&#91;&#93; &#41;
   cout << "\n" << endl;
   cout << "This is line number "  << __LINE__ <<  " of the file " 
        << __FILE__ << " which was compiled on "  << __DATE__
        << "\nat time " << __TIME__ << ".\n\n"; 

   readingArguments&#40; argc, argv &#41;;


void readingArguments&#40; int argc, char * argv&#91;FIVE&#93; &#41;

   if&#40; argc != FIVE &#41;
      cerr << "Usage &#58; a.out argv&#91;1&#93; argv&#91;2&#93; argv&#91;3&#93; argv&#91;4&#93; " << endl;

   ifstream inFile&#40; argv&#91;ONE&#93;, ios&#58;&#58;in &#41;;

   if&#40; !inFile &#41;
      cerr << "INPUT FILE CANNOT BE OPEN FOR INPUT" << endl;
      cout << "INPUT FILE &#58; " << argv&#91;ONE&#93; << " OPEN FOR INPUT. \n " << endl;

   if&#40; atoi&#40;argv&#91;TWO&#93;&#41; == atoi&#40;"F"&#41; || atoi&#40;argv&#91;TWO&#93;&#41; == atoi&#40;"f"&#41; &#41;
      firstFit = TRUE;
      cout << "*** First-Fit Is Selected ***\n" << endl;
   else if &#40; atoi&#40;argv&#91;TWO&#93;&#41; == atoi&#40;"W"&#41; || atoi&#40;argv&#91;TWO&#93;&#41; == atoi&#40;"w"&#41; &#41;
      worstFit = TRUE;
      cout << "*** Worst-Fit Is Selected ***\n" << endl;
      cout << " Usage argv&#91;2&#93; &#58; F for First-Fit or W for Worst-Fit " << endl;

   totalMemory = atoi&#40; argv&#91;THREE&#93; &#41;;
   operatingSystem = atoi&#40; argv&#91;FOUR&#93;&#41;;        

   readFile&#40; inFile &#41;;

void readFile &#40; ifstream &inFile &#41;
   char name&#91;40&#93;, Status&#91;17&#93;;
   char *status;
   char *enter = "Enter", *exit = "Exit";
   int memorySize, holder, cmp; 

   object&#91;1&#93;.name = "OS";
   object&#91;1&#93;.size = operatingSystem;
   object&#91;1&#93;.location = 0;

   for&#40; int k = 2; k < 10; k++ &#41;
      object&#91;k&#93;.name = "Hole"; 

   while &#40; inFile >> name >> Status >> memorySize &#41;
      status = Status;
      cmp = strcmp&#40;status,enter&#41;;      
      if &#40; cmp == ZERO &#41;
        insert&#40; name, memorySize&#41;;
	cmp = strcmp&#40;status,exit&#41;;
     // if &#40; cmp == ZERO &#41;
       //  Delete &#40; name &#41;; 

	for&#40;int u = 1; u < 10; u++ &#41;
         cout << object&#91;u&#93;.name << " is loaded at address =  " << object&#91;u&#93;.location 
              << " with size = " << object&#91;u&#93;.size << "K\n" << endl;


void insert&#40; char *Name, int size &#41;
   int holder, cmp;
   char *hole = "Hole";
   char *holderName;

    for&#40; int j = 1; j < 10; j++ &#41;
	holderName = object&#91;j&#93;.name;
      cmp = strcmp&#40;holderName,hole&#41;;
      cout << object&#91;j&#93;.name <<endl;

     if&#40; cmp == 0&#41; 
        holder = totalMemory;
        for&#40; int k = 1; k < i; k++ &#41;
           if&#40; k != j || k < i &#41;
	        holder = holder - object&#91;k&#93;.size;
        if&#40; holder > size &#41;
           object&#91;j&#93;.name = Name;
 	     object&#91;j&#93;.size = size; 
           object&#91;j&#93;.location = object&#91;j-1&#93;.location + object&#91;j-1&#93;.size;
           if&#40; object&#91;j+1&#93;.location - object&#91;j&#93;.location - object&#91;j&#93;.size > 1 &#41;   
             swapObject&#40; j &#41;;
           cout << "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" <<endl;
	     cout << object&#91;j&#93;.name << " is being loaded at location "
                << object&#91;j&#93;.location << ". Memory looks like&#58; " << endl;

           j = 1000;

void swapObject&#40; int j &#41;
   char * name, * name2;
   int size, location, size2, location2;

   name = object&#91;j+1&#93;.name;
   size = object&#91;j+1&#93;.size;
   location = object&#91;j+1&#93;.location;

   object&#91;j+1&#93;.name = "Hole";
   object&#91;j+1&#93;.location = object&#91;j&#93;.location + object&#91;j&#93;.size;


   for&#40; int k = j; k == i+1; k++ &#41;
      name2 = object&#91;k+1&#93;.name;
      size2 = object&#91;k+1&#93;.size;
      location2 = object&#91;k+1&#93;.location;
      object&#91;k+1&#93;.name = name;
      object&#91;k+1&#93;.size = size;
      object&#91;k+1&#93;.location = location;

void Delete&#40; char * name &#41;
   char *processName;
   int cmp;

   for &#40; int l = 2; l < 10; l++ &#41;
		   processName = object&#91;l&#93;.name;
               cmp = strcmp&#40;name,processName&#41;;

		   if&#40; cmp == ZERO &#41;
		      object&#91;l&#93;.name = "Hole";
 			if&#40; object&#91;l+1&#93;.name == "Hole" &#41;
			   object&#91;l&#93;.size = object&#91;l&#93;.size + object&#91;l+1&#93;.size;
			else if&#40; object&#91;l-1&#93;.name == "Hole" &#41;
			   object&#91;l-1&#93;.size = object&#91;l-1&#93;.size + object&#91;l&#93;.size;

		      cout << "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" <<endl;
	            cout << object&#91;l&#93;.name << "is being removed from location "
                       << object&#91;l&#93;.location << ". Memory looks like&#58; " << endl;

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