Hello, I am new to Visual Basic.NET, and programming. I am wondering if someone can help me get to understand the VB.NET language. I learned some visual basic 6, but none of that seems to works anymore in the new version. Before in VB6 I could make a chat client in Winsock stuff, but now that no longer accepts the code. Can anyone help me get used to the newer concept?


Sure, but this question is too broad. You got anything more specific? Also, the fact that you're new to programming might make it a little bit more difficult. Can you be more specific about your needs?

I would just like to get a basic idea of how to say make a button pop up and say Test or something. I need some vb.net code to look at so I can get used to it instead of vb6.

VB.NET should come with some sample code, no? The microsoft.com website is very useful for stuff of the sort, as well. (Since .NET is proprietary to microsoft, they want to do all they can to influence programmers to use their language).

Also try here: http://www.windowsforms.com/
I found this site in the LINKS section here at TechTalk

I think I would know VB.NET the most here ::grins::. Remember, since you are in VB.NET, you want to avoid using things that are external from the .NET Framework.

So what do you do? Simple :-)! Check out the System.Net.Sockets namespace, and have some fun :-). Need more help? Google search works great, or ask here!

You can lern VB.NET through internet by web tutorials, help etc..

for vb.net beginers try these links


besics for .NET framework



Hello, I am new to Visual Basic.NET, and programming. I am wondering if someone can help me get to understand the VB.NET language. I learned some visual basic 6, but none of that seems to works anymore in the new version. Before in VB6 I could make a chat client in Winsock stuff, but now that no longer accepts the code. Can anyone help me get used to the newer concept?


Hello, I am new to Visual Basic.NET, and programming. I am wondering if someone can help me get to understand the VB.NET language. I learned some visual basic 6, but none of that seems to works anymore in the new version. Before in VB6 I could make a chat client in Winsock stuff, but now that no longer accepts the code. Can anyone help me get used to the newer concept?


Winsock manipulation is done through .NET remoting and serialization in VB.NET 2005. Almost any object can be serialized and it's data sent across networks and deserialized to show the data on the other end.

Look into Step by Step from Microsoft Press and .NET Remoting by Ingo Ramer if you wish to do more chat type programs

someone has revived an old thread. Actually it does help for the newcomers

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