Everyone knows that usually every Perl program should start with something along the lines of "#!/usr/bin/perl" ... what's often called as "shebang." Anyone know why? I just read this cute post on google...
The exclamation point has been nicknamed "bang" for as long as I can remember. (Back in the uucp days, you would give an email address as "machine1, bang, machine2, bang, machine3, bang..." for "machine1! machine2!machine3!...")
The "#" sign has a knickname of "sharp" (The "#" is used in sheet music to mark "sharp" notes. In the old AT&T Unix, the default INTRUPT key was defined as the "sharp". I imagine that "sharp-bang" was shorted to "shebang" in later years. Shebang is a slang American expression which means the organization or "the works" as in "the whole shebang". qazwart@my-deja.com (qazwart@my-deja.com)
If anyone knows anything more, let me know. =)