
Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How do I print in QBasic. I have tried opening it (the program code) in note/word pad but it comes out in funny characters.

What can I do??

Any advice will be appreciated.


why don't you toss that horrible QBASIC and use something more modern, like the free Visual Basic 2005 Express. Its free for the downloading from Microsoft site. You can do all the printing your heart desires :)


Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How do I print in QBasic. I have tried opening it (the program code) in note/word pad but it comes out in funny characters.

What can I do??

Any advice will be appreciated.


Look up the command to save your file in ASCII format (it's an option to SAVE I believe). You've probably saved it in tokenized form which is not printable.

Look up the command to save your file in ASCII format (it's an option to SAVE I believe). You've probably saved it in tokenized form which is not printable.

Thanks! It works now!!!!!!!!!!

I have to use QBasic co I am new to programming and QBasic is easy to learn. It now works.

VB is easy to learn, too, but with better results.

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