Determine what kind of hand of poker, the five cards
are. For instance, if I have the following:
Ace of Hearts
Two of Diamonds
Two of Clubs
10 of Spades
10 of Diamonds
You would print out:
Two Pair
In general, a poker hand can be the following:
1 Pair
2 Pair
3 of a kind
4 of a kind
full house (3 of a kind and 1 pair)
straight flush
royal flush
import java.util.Random;
public class cards {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int [] deck = new int[52]; // deck of cards
// initialize to "fresh" deck
for (int i = 0; i < 52; i++)
deck[i] = i;
// create the random number generator
Random randNumGen = new Random();
// shuffle the deck by swapping random two cards 10000 times
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
// generate two numbers in range [0, 51]
int randPos1 = randNumGen.nextInt(52);
int randPos2 = randNumGen.nextInt(52);
// now swap cards at positions randPos1 and randPos2
int temp = deck[randPos1]; // note three statements
deck[randPos1] = deck[randPos2];
deck[randPos2] = temp;
int faceValue = 0;
int suit = 0;
String message;
// now we need to print first five cards, we'll use a String
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
faceValue = deck[i] % 13 + 1; // in range [1,13]
suit = deck[i] / 13; // in range [0, 3]
//String message; // First look at String object
// in class we will talk more about OBJECTS and METHODS.
// We've already seen two examples of objects --- StdIn
// and Random. String is another example of an object.
if (faceValue == 1)
message = "Ace of ";
else if (faceValue == 11)
message = "Jack of ";
else if (faceValue == 12)
message = "Queen of ";
else if (faceValue == 13)
message = "King of ";
message = faceValue + " of ";
if (suit == 0)
message += "Spades";
else if (suit == 1)
message += "Clubs";
else if (suit == 2)
message += "Hearts";
message += "Diamonds";
for(int i = 1; i<=13; i++){
if(faceValue == Math.pow(4,i)){
System.out.println("4 of a kind");
else if(faceValue == Math.pow(3,i)){
System.out.println("3 of a kind");
else if (faceValue == Math.pow(2,i)){
System.out.println("a pair");