OK I need some help... so far ive been able to get everything on my own but...im making a program that selects questions from an array numbered 1-40. i put in a random fuctions so the questions are chosen randomly. but i want to have it so that theres no duplication in the questions. like if the number is already chosen... skip and pick the next. any help would be much appreciated.
I0adidas0I 0 Newbie Poster
Xelfinn 0 Light Poster
Dani 4,521 The Queen of DaniWeb Administrator Featured Poster Premium Member
Bob 15 using namespace Bob Team Colleague
Xelfinn 0 Light Poster
Bob 15 using namespace Bob Team Colleague
#define -6 Newbie Poster
Salem commented: Special bonus for bumping a thread nearly 7 YEARS OLD -4
WaltP commented: I wonder if I0adidas0I can finish his homework now. -2
tetron 22 Junior Poster
peter_budo 2,532 Code tags enforcer Team Colleague Featured Poster
jonsca commented: Nice! +2
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