C++ program that will implement the popular numerical procedure called Thomas Algorithm. this is my final project in the lab which i have no idea how to start off... and i am really bad at c++ because this was my first ever programming class i ever took in my life... can anyone give me like step by step description that even baby can understand?? also i looked around a lot of help and many people uses #include <iostream.h>. in my class my prof only used #include <iostream> and c math i appreciate if someone make me a beginner code for this question please....

C++ program that will implement the popular numerical procedure called Thomas Algorithm. this is my final project in the lab which i have no idea how to start off... and i am really bad at c++ because this was my first ever programming class i ever took in my life... can anyone give me like step by step description that even baby can understand?? also i looked around a lot of help and many people uses #include <iostream.h>. in my class my prof only used #include <iostream> and c math i appreciate if someone make me a beginner code for this question please....

This is what a thomas algorithm is:

Do you know what you would need to do logically ie step by step to write this program? Or do you need help with that too.

BTW, the iostream.h vs iostream is a stylistic thing which was inherited from C. The C style was to use iostream.h, in C++ it isn't necessary.

BTW, the iostream.h vs iostream is a stylistic thing which was inherited from C. The C style was to use iostream.h, in C++ it isn't necessary.

It's not a stylistic thing. The .H forms are deprecated and do things differently than the non .H form. The standards have moved forward since the 'inherited' form was designed.

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