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2,045 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for tdba.316

Line 46, the first portion of the for loop statement doesn't do anything, you could move part of line 42 into that position and have [icode] for(int StringPointer = 0;WordsToAnalyze[StringPointer] != ' ';++StringPointer) [/icode] but that StringPointer variable will be destroyed after the loop completes since it's declared locally, so …

Member Avatar for Toniolo
Member Avatar for jimJohnson

Your do/while syntax is incorrect. It should be: [code] do{ }while(condition); [/code] You're going to have to nest some of these menus so do a brief sketch on a piece of paper as to how they should be laid out.

Member Avatar for michealadejimi
Member Avatar for AmerJamil

[url][/url] Did you try Googling it at all? (I say this not trying to be a jerk, but you've had 4-5 questions that are things that could be easily answered on Google)

Member Avatar for EricStens
Member Avatar for vegaseat

To start down this road, check out [url][/url] (it's not going to answer your questions right away, but once you get going you'll understand what's going on). P.S. This thread is ancient. Sometimes better to let them rest and start a new one.

Member Avatar for laheg
Member Avatar for marsh_mallows11

[quote]Your program <snip> You should [/quote] That means you, not us. But seriously, show us what you have tried, don't just drop off your assignment.

Member Avatar for Lesther_1
Member Avatar for namra

a^b is not a to the b power, it is (a XOR b) `int power = pow(a,b);` will work (of your functions and variables and the cmath functions many have the same name which can be confusing at best P.S. Please use code tags `//your code here` next time to …

Member Avatar for Jawad_9
Member Avatar for mister-fett

[code]if (x == 'y' || 'Y') [/code] is not correct [code]if(x=='y' || x=='Y') [/code] is. The first one is taking the OR of what amounts to two true entities (since 'y' and 'Y' are non-zero values) and comparing that to x. Same for the 'N' scenario. You should change your …

Member Avatar for Jawad_9
Member Avatar for rigz

The best way to seek help is to come with code (which you have done) and have [i]specific[/i] questions about particular sections of it. Saying "I need to add a receipt portion" dumps the responsibility into our lap. The first thing you don't need are these [icode]WinExec[/icode] statements. You have …

Member Avatar for Sunny_17
Member Avatar for coachHinesfan

Let me preface this by saying that I am not an expert in any of these fields but I have had some exposure to the underlying theory, so facts are AFAIK. Please pardon any textbookiness. The least common denominator is they all involve the solution of simultaneous differential equations (depending …

Member Avatar for Steven Kenneth
Member Avatar for vmanes

A theoretical underpinning for all Windows software: [url][/url]

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Member 785072

[quote=Excizted]You are using two headers which prevents me from compiling this code, as I don't have them[/quote] You can get the second one from BS's page (it's just a mishmash of #includes, template functions,etc)[url][/url] stdafx is needed for precompiled headers. If the OP doesn't have anything listed in there, you …

Member Avatar for Matic_1
Member Avatar for jaskaran.nagra

Unless you are doing something with real time OSes ([url][/url]), and even then it's impractical, it will be obsolete knowledge. inp/outp used to be great for interfacing with fixed address ISA cards. If you're interested in this kinda thing check out the DDK ([url][/url]). Not to be a wet blanket …

Member Avatar for Wohlstand
Member Avatar for paruse

See: [URL=""][/URL] For the implementations of \n and \r\n on different systems (Win vs. *nix, and others) see: [URL=""][/URL] But basically, \b is a backspace and \r is carriage return

Member Avatar for Shafiq_1
Member Avatar for ericstern

A large part of the problem (I cannot speak for your algorithm as of yet because I haven't been able to compile it without forcing) is that the math.h functions have require signatures that for the most part are float and double (and definitely not int), for example pow has …

Member Avatar for dagger
Member Avatar for hq1

[QUOTE=hq1] 123456789012345678901234567890 Row 1 ***###***###*########*****#### Row 2 ####****#####***************## Row 3 **######*************#####**## Row 4 **######**************##****** Row 5 ********#####********######### Row 6 ###############*********###### Row 7 #######************########### Row 8 ***************##****######### Row 9 ##########*********#####****** Row 10 #****************############# Row 11 #************#######********## Row 12 #################*********###* Row 13 ###************########**##### Row 14 ############################## Row 15 ############################## okay so i …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for Sasquadge
Member Avatar for .It.

I've seen the so-called obfuscators (google "C++ obfuscator") but I can't speak to their validity or effectiveness. A few I saw changed strings to their hex equivalent, but that will only get you so far. Is there a connection string you don't want your end users to see? I think …

Member Avatar for overwraith
Member Avatar for kellnerq

Your if statements should look more like this: (you must change the y<=X<= z statements but you don't absolutely have to have the else if, but it's more efficient if you don't have to go through a bunch of if statements) [code=c++] if ( comission <= 299 ) ++count1; else …

Member Avatar for Victim_1
Member Avatar for makan007

In your construct method add a null terminator to your string (so at the index after the last used space add '\0' then use a[i] ! = '\0' instead of a[i] !=0 ( = 0 might work, but I don't know for sure offhand). So essentially give your counting routine …

Member Avatar for TalhaMoazSarwar
Member Avatar for salamjamal10
Member Avatar for saeid_h
Member Avatar for nakul_pancholi

You can use the function getchar() to pause for the user to hit a key. You can use an if statement with the modulus (%) operator to set how many lines you want before the user is prompted. For example 0 % 50 = 0, 50 % 50 = 0, …

Member Avatar for arulgee6
Member Avatar for happygeek

I have a couple of 8 bit Nintendos around but nothing compared to this. I technically have every computer but most of them are just mobos knocking around in a box somewhere. Ah, "one man's trash is...", well, another man's trash that's euphemistically called something else :D All the more …

Member Avatar for ­V­­
Member Avatar for hobaa414

Please show us what you have so far. Take a look at this [url][/url]

Member Avatar for abdul.mudaser
Member Avatar for SolidSora

[QUOTE=Clinton Portis]main() is prototyped to return an int, but returns nothing.[/QUOTE] Actually, that's ok according to the standard. A return of 0 is implied if none is specified.

Member Avatar for Mahfuz_1
Member Avatar for ppotter3

Some general things because this doesn't even compile (which I think you implied): Lines 40 and 44 of your driver program, you don't need to put the return type in front of them when calling your methods in main(). Wrap your header file in: [code] #ifndef P1_NAMESEARCH_H #define P1_NAMESEARCH_H //the …

Member Avatar for jawad.ikram
Member Avatar for nychick

Take a look at an ASCII table: [url][/url] how do the two cases relate?

Member Avatar for Rogierownage
Member Avatar for lilbluemonky

What steps have you taken in starting to solve the problem? Have you decided on how you will represent the board? Are you going to use classes? These are the things you need to think about and start sketching out on paper even before you begin. Write as much of …

Member Avatar for annefr
Member Avatar for BevoX

Double check it, but I think it amounts to an integer division (clock_t is usually a long int and I think the constant is an integer value). Cast one or both to float. EDIT: Edged out by the Code Goddess :)

Member Avatar for Microno
Member Avatar for rena0514

You need to call your function for those values... Passing (0,0) to A gives ____ ?

Member Avatar for guly2010
Member Avatar for GrimJack

[quote=Biker920] you know that are two sizes of floppies [/quote] There were 8" floppies too! (In all fairness I don't really remember them) I think the 5 1/4" were double sided by the era of the souped-up Apple IIe (but you still had to flip em).

Member Avatar for vinnitro

The End.